Mining-induced seismic hazards continue to pose significant challenges for ground control at deep hard-rock underground mines. In the tradeoff between full production and absolute safety, the seismic hazards at deep mines can only be routinely assessed and then selectively mitigated, rather than predicted with full confidence or avoided completely. The improved ore-extraction rate and expansion of mine-wide developments at Alamos’ Young Davidson (YD) Mine in recent years have positioned the mine as a top gold producer of its kind in North America, along with increased seismic activity. This paper describes the proactive measures taken against seismic hazards that have been incorporated in the current YD Ground Control Management Plan. First, the use of seismic monitoring system and seismic analytical platform to identify seismic hazard zones is illustrated. Next, stress modeling as an indicative tool to further examine stope blasting-triggered seismic risk is discussed, and the assessment is enhanced by the use of 3D Velocity Model to closely monitor the rock mass fracturing process in the form of seismic clustering. Finally, an empirical approach specially developed for Canadian deep mines, coupled with site-specific field observations, is employed to justify the support design for large-span intersection developments with a focus on mitigating dynamic loading hazards.
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53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium
June 23–26, 2019
New York City, New York
Ground Control Management at Alamos's Young Davidson Mine
X-T. Feng;
X-T. Feng
Northeastern University / Laurentian University
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M. Cai;
M. Cai
Northeastern University / Laurentian University
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Y. Xu
Y. Xu
Northeastern University / Laurentian University
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Paper presented at the 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York City, New York, June 2019.
Paper Number:
June 23 2019
Xu, Y., Blake, T., Feng, X-T., Cai, M., and Y. Xu. "Ground Control Management at Alamos's Young Davidson Mine." Paper presented at the 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York City, New York, June 2019.
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