What are the elements that make up an effective basic safety management plan?

  • Management/Policy

  • Recordkeeping

  • Loss Analysis

  • Safety &; Health Education/Training

  • Safety &; Health Inspections/Surveys

  • Accident/Incident Reporting &; Investigations

  • Plan &; Programs Review


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  • The employer has the responsibility of providing a workplace free of any recognized hazards

  • A successful safety management plan must rest on a solid foundation of management commitment and support

  • Is there a difference between commitment and support?

  • Commitment

    • -To pledge or assign to some particular course or use

  • Support

    • -To provide resources

    • -Uphold, advocate, champion

  • Management must thoughtfully and thoroughly develop a safety and health policy that can be understood, believed and sets the tone for action

  • Does management understand what the policy means?

  • The policy should be short, sweet, and to the point. Preferably approximately a half page.

  • To be effective, management must establish challenging (realistic) goals for that particular organization/industry.

  • Must assign responsibility (with authority) and hold accountable personnel for implementing the plan

  • Must participate in safety forums, meetings, educational processes

  • Management must "walk the talk"


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  • What records should be retained and why?

  • Occupational Safety &; Health Administration (OSHA) requires that employers with more than ten (10) employees maintain records.

  • If the employer has ten (10) or less employees, they must maintain records if they have been requested to participate with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in their annual survey of occupational illnesses and injuries.

  • Records serve as a source of support for managing the safety management plan.

  • May be beneficial in strengthening other safety management programs.

  • Loss/trend analysis

  • Records can serve as support during legal or other evidentiary proceedings.

  • Management should determine what records should be retained and for what period of time. For example: OSHA requires OSHA 300 Logs be retained for a period of five (5) years, plus current year.

  • Management should designate a person(s) to maintain what records and where.

  • Records kept should be :

    • OSHA 300, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses

    • OSHA 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses

    • Accident/incident reports &; investigations(OSHA 301, Injury and Illness Incident Report)

    • State reports

    • First aid

    • Property damage/losses

    • Liability losses

    • Motor vehicle liability/damage/losses/maintenance

    • Security losses

    • Inspections/surveys

    • Safety meetings or other related meetings

    • Education/training records

    • Equipment inspection/maintenance

    • What retention period for each would be sufficient?

    • What other records should be retained?

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