Successful animation is the right message at the right time in your organization. L'Oréal Environmental Health Safety, Security, and Sustainability (EH&S3) executives will share how they animate various EH&S3 data, programs, and actions to organizational leaders in an effort to inform and influence desired outcomes and share beauty with all.
At L'Oréal, we animate and present the safety process through metrics and actions. We are also trying to highlight key themes during regular interactions with each of our senior executives. These key themes are:
Objectives (key messages)
Corrective action plans
Organizational issues
Performance (metrics/adherence to goals and objectives)
Special projects
SWOT analysis
Although these are the key points of our paper, we are trying to deliver a message of expertise and competence to our teams. This competency arises out of leadership, executive communications, and presentation skills.
Recently, the roles of leadership and culture as critical components to achieving high-performing safety systems have become more visible. Top executives set the tone for safety culture. Their personal commitment and attitude toward safety excellence becomes interwoven in the fabric of organizational norms and expectations. Through value-driven safety, transactional, and transformational leadership determine safety culture and impact safety excellence. When addressing senior executives in overall EH&S3 Performance, all aspects of the aforementioned leadership styles must be referenced and utilized. For example, we must determine the level of goal obtainment we are achieving (transactional leadership), the ability to continuously improve the organization (transformational leadership), and finally, prove to senior management how we are supporting the organization's mission (servant leadership). The process of presenting this information to senior executives is critical from a leadership perspective, and safety professionals must deliver on this topic.