The opportunity to achieve top quartile performance in health and human safety requires new and innovative approaches. We must leverage predictable analysis and evaluation methods combined with innovative blended solutions to enhance the safety in the workplace and workforce. Isolating key behaviors was a critical success factor for the Safety Connection initiative.
Health and safety professionals are conditioned to use training as a primary tool to advance objectives in achieving safety excellence. With limited time and resources, it is imperative to analyze the systematic causal factors that may be entrenched in the workplace and the workforce. Assuming that only a training solution will produce the desired outcome is a risky decision and could derail or impede the desired state. This paper describes a process to analyze, design and measure the impact of blended solutions, cultural indicators and leading safety indicators.
We devised and applied the following principles, methods and tools throughout the initiative:
Applied a holistic approach for achieving safety goals
Leverage rapid tools to identify desired goal
Utilized a bar napkin exercise to discuss solutions and perceptions with stakeholders
Created an Impact Map that aligns key safety behaviors to measurable results
Apply the Success Case evaluation methodology to quickly measure the pilots effectiveness
Utilizing this approach required experts within our company who are skilled in Human Performance Technology and who can effectively partner with leaders and experts in safety to discern key barriers that potentially impede success by uncovering answers to the following questions:
How is your safety strategy perceived within your company?
What is the desired state for your safety initiative? Who else knows this and cares?
Are your safety indicators really leading or lagging?
What are the critical safety behaviors for your workforce and management?
How do you currently measure those key behaviors?
What internal and external motivators exist to support the goal?
What consequences are in place for supervisors or managers who exhibit poor safety?