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Keywords: complacency
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-507
... Session No. 507 Complacency: The Silent Killer Larry Wilson Author of SafeStart Belleville, Ontario, Canada Introduction Driving home from the rec. center last week, I saw a familiar scene starting to build on the side road next to the highway. It was the usual suspects: an ambulance, more than...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-637
..., the risk might be understated using the simple two-dimensional method. There are a number of states that can stress the situation, states like Rushing, Frustration, Anger, Fatigue, Fear, Panic and Over Confidence often called complacency. Any one or a combination can cause errors and not just safety errors...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-544
... tolerance current safety process work group protective equipment exxonmobil human factor centre hazard identification identification perception hazard personal experience acceptance complacency Session No. 544 Personal Risk Assessment A Key to Safety Performance Excellence On and Off the Job...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-565
... of my friends asked. "Must not have seen it," I offered. "Yeah, I know, but that's what I mean—how can you not see a transport truck?" "Not easy," I said in agreement. But in my head I'm thinking complacency. You've got to be pretty complacent to not see a transport truck. He must not have even looked...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 8–11, 2014
Paper Number: ASSE-14-682
...). Could it be that the former would constitute an OSHA violation and the latter wouldn't? If so, this is sad—especially when you consider that the number one injury at this particular facility of 2,650 was and probably still is shoulder strains. Even the required training can create complacency if all we...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-515
... get hit by a transport?" one of my friends asked. "Must not have seen it," I offered. "Yeah, I know, but that's what I mean—how can you not see a transport truck?" "Not easy," I said in agreement. But in my head I'm thinking complacency. You've got to be pretty complacent to not see a transport...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-509
... at his watch. "Ok, let's try the short version," he said. frustration unexpected event injury critical behavior construction complacency checklist worksite primary causation pareto analysis activator risk pattern stop sign error risk pattern critical error reduction technique human...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-608
... accountability compliance communication artificial intelligence positive feedback air transportation consequence resistance ticket error pattern complacency burgess documentation violation recognition supervisor speed limit circumstance rule violation Session No. 608 Managing Rule Violations...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-612
... management operational safety risk management probability imperial sugar complacency successful journey control measure dorothy Session No. 612 Six Steps beyond the Yellow Brick Road: A Successful Journey for the Safety Professional Francis P. Sehn, CSP, ARM, M.S. Vice President Casualty Risk...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-615
... complacency cognitive distraction guideline safety professional distraction Session No. 615 Distracted Driving: A Fresh Perspective Danny W. Smith Consultant, SafeStart Safety Manager, MailSouth Introduction Everywhere we turn the issue of Distracted Driving is before us. We ve read countless studies...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-708
... & medicine human factors critical error reduction technique safety skill frustration complacency illustration compliance injury reduction injury risk behavior safety performance ergonomics injury prevention consumer health positive reinforcement Session No. 708 Compliance vs. Injury...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 12–15, 2011
Paper Number: ASSE-11-640
... of—it wasn't going to be pretty. mind back safety-related habit silent killer ballgame side road complacency autopilot consequence car seat traction compensate truck harness life jacket transport truck ground transportation public safety fire truck law enforcement safety device fight...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 12–15, 2011
Paper Number: ASSE-11-510
... organizational performance psychological principle incident concentration complacency psychology perception health & medicine safety professional human factor identification human error barefoot distraction optimal focus human factor error consumer health low focus safety...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 13–15, 2010
Paper Number: ASSE-10-678
... higbee emba csp higbee injury health & medicine operational safety complacency risk behavior realization human factors safety performance safety skill hazard compliance safety culture consumer health safestart safetrack johnston habit strength trailer critical error...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exhibition, June 28–July 1, 2009
Paper Number: ASSE-09-786
... the activity has migrated from intentional with a high degree of caution to habitual with limited caution. Once a high risk task moves to habitual complacency has set in. No matter what type of at risk behavior is involved, something unexpected or unplanned always has to enter the equation. Three Sources...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference, June 24–27, 2007
Paper Number: ASSE-07-0253
... and points to a complex problem of the increased levels regulation and of perceived protection that workers enjoy in the work place leading to what is commonly known as complacency . A second problem of modern safety management is a consequence of the superficial treatment of accidents through procedures...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference, June 24–27, 2007
Paper Number: ASSE-07-1065
... injury safety skill complacency awareness training critical error reduction technique realization habit strength Session No. 713 3 Attributes to World Class Safety Gary A. Higbee, EMBA, CSP Higbee & Associates, Inc. SafeStart SafeTrack Johnston, Iowa This article is titled 3 Attributes to World...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference, June 24–27, 2007
Paper Number: ASSE-07-1259
... are only a small number compared to the millions and millions of injuries that occur every day around the world (if you count all of the cuts, bruises, bumps and scrapes). bruise Accidental injury critical error Frustration acute injury accidental acute injury contact sport complacency...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 11–14, 2006
Paper Number: ASSE-06-739E
... Session No. 739E Workplace Complacency Reduction Techniques Gary A. Higbee, EMBA, CSP SafeStart SafeTrack Belleville, Ontario, Canada In order to be effective at reducing complacency in the workplace or, for that matter at home and on the road, we first need to understand how it fits...

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