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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-546
... pressure vessel hazard fire hazard accident hazard identification probability welding hazard electrical hazard certification procedure illness safety engineer American Society of Safety Engineers Fundamentals of SH&E: Hazard Identification and Control David F. Coble, CSP CTJ Safety Associates...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-565
..., discipline may also include a demotion or job transfer. Do any of these consequences sound positive to you? procedure human error illness accident violation injury unsafe act latent condition human resource management lapse light bulb job tenure safety rule circumstance safety violation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-533
... Scholars in the athletic field have studied heat-related illnesses and their impact on athletes of all ages and levels. Their findings can be applied to industrial settings to aid safety professionals in preventing heat-related illnesses in the workplace. Heat-related illnesses, injuries...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-656
... Building Syndrome and Building Related Illness. (BRIs) One of the downsides of energy management in the nature of building construction is to keep contaminants that originate in building operations or are brought in by occupants sealed in along with the warm or cool air. Symptoms that make...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-631
... safety and health program. This practice has been effective in reducing the likelihood of injury, illness or accident before such an adverse event is experienced. This fundamental practice has contributed to the standardization of safety practices through attempting to address the multitude of factors...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-635
... to limit worker exposure. (3) Under a new rule, employers will be required to electronically submit certain records of workplace injuries. This rule would require larger companies and what OSHA considers " high hazard employers" to submit electronic versions of their injury and illness logs. OSHA feels...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-653
..., within the shadows of this economic prosperity lies a harsh reality, Hispanic/Latino/Latino workers continue to experience higher than average injury and illness in the workplace. Troubling, while the data demonstrates higher incidents, the reality is much likely worst as most Hispanic/Latino/Latino...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-562
... injuries and illnesses. The construction industry continues to experience injury and illness rates significantly higher than other industry sectors. The NORA Construction Sector was challenged to identify research areas where the greatest impact could be realized. This included the use of a priority...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-593
.... This translates into more than a billion dollars a week spent by businesses on these injuries. Clearly there exists today a compelling economic and humanitarian force to reduce the impact of occupational injuries and illnesses. The conventional wisdom of the safety movement has overwhelmingly embraced the use...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-575
..., and injury prevention. By looking at the total health of our workforce employers can impact all healthcare costs including: Group Health insurance premiums Workers Compensation insurance premiums and claims Absenteeism Presenteeism (workers who come to work but underperform due to illness or stress...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-638
... certainly underestimate the role of sleep in the development of chronic illnesses. We have always been told to exercise more, but is exercise alone enough to overcome our sedentary lifestyle? Some of the latest evidence and new findings on the root causes of many of these epidemic health outcomes are shared...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-569
... Session No. 569 Measuring Health and Safety Performance Globally: ASTM Standard E2920 - 14 for Recording Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Dee Woodhull, MS, CIH, CSP Partner Stephen A. Newell, JD Partner ORCHSE Strategies, LLC Washington, DC Introduction Understanding company safety and health...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-633
... Introduction Industrial hygiene is the science of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling workplace conditions that may cause workers' injury or illness. In the past, there was a fairly clear separation of the industrial hygiene and safety roles in the workplace. No more...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 26–29, 2016
Paper Number: ASSE-16-746
...Session No. 746 Exploring Safety Exposures When Working Outdoors Sheila Palmer, BS, MS, CSP, CFPS Assistant Vice President Chubb Inc. New York, NY Mark Wilmoth, CSP Assistant Vice President Chubb Inc. Heat Illness What is it and why do I care? Under normal conditions, our body can cool itself...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-618
... decades, U.S. employers have made significant progress in addressing issues of health and safety in the workplace. Since 1970, workplace fatalities have been reduced by more than 65 percent and injury and illness rates have declined by 67 percent, according to the Occupational Safety and Health...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-726
... account for one fatality a year. Yet, according to the most recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report, in one year, 4,405 workers died of workplace injuries. Another 3 million suffered a serious job-related injury or illness. This white paper's objective is to give facility professionals useful...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-765
... medical costs; and lost thirteen times more days of work from work injury or work related illness than did non-obese workers. Another study on the association between employee obesity and employer costs was conducted based on data from a panel of U.S. employers. The results of the study showed that costs...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-739
... Introduction Heat Illness can be prevented if we provide proper training and information to the worker to know how to prevent heat illness. But what information does the worker need to know? With the amount of effort, training and awareness that has taken place, which has been good to some...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-746
... excellence in OSH. The focus of this paper will include but not be limited to the following: How a four step disciplined approach can minimize injuries and illnesses in the workplace and drive safety excellence The importance of management and employee engagement to move the needle on safety and health...

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