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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-740
... that capture any changes in worker behavior may provide reliable indicators for monitoring. How to capture this information and what should be done with the data, must first be considered. Wearable sensors provide a means for data collection of any necessary work parameter. Data can be collected continuously...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-579
... by quantifying the physical benefits of applied exoskeleton technology, in addition to subjective risk assessment scores derived from these standard ergonomic risk assessment tools. The authors will discuss the results of measuring muscle activity, using EMG sensors on the shop floor while employees performed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-744
... associated with the Internet of Things. complexity security measure incident procedure internet application iot building security privacy concern csp risk specialist chubb group unexpected use careful connection sensor real time system efficiency safety professional federal trade...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-626
... workshop university internet real time health & medicine sensor air emission monitoring smartphone real-time site noise megatrend us government safety professional instrumentation environmental compliance information safety construction compliance hazard Methods...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 8–11, 2014
Paper Number: ASSE-14-564
... protracted fire exposures). flash fire sensor fr clothing personnel experiment exposure single location heat flux fire field flame front hydrocarbon university wind speed cloud firefighter average heat flux ignition source environmental condition flame front move Session No 564...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-745
... sitio sobre las condiciones atmosféricas en las construcciones. Tambißn se presentarán algunos ejemplos de aplicación de las técnicas propuestas. compound lel sensor industrial hygiene direct reading instrument correction factor photoionization detector volatile organic compound...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exhibition, June 28–July 1, 2009
Paper Number: ASSE-09-770
... of 10 ppm. In addition to these gases, a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) sensor can be employed in some of today s multi-gas monitors for protection against a broad range of volatile organic compounds (VOC) such as benzene, xylene and toluene. The airline industry is using this technology for detection...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exhibition, June 9–12, 2008
Paper Number: ASSE-08-621
... safety engineer, certified safety professional, certified marine chemist, etc.) based on evaluation of all serious hazards. Production Chemistry air emission Workplace Hazard US government gas monitor explosion death Corrosion Inhibition H2S management concentration evaluation sensor...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference, June 24–27, 2007
Paper Number: ASSE-07-1247
... reliability until the possible hazard(s) are mitigated by the control system process control and automation Pipeline Industry measurement and control US government on demand likelihood control system consequence logic element 2oo3 trip system sensor critical control process automation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 11–14, 2006
Paper Number: ASSE-06-618E
... recorder business driver ground transportation airbag protection vehicle occupant injury sensor event data recorder restraint seat belt brake Session No. 618E New Vehicle Safety Technology Phillip R. Moser National Sales Manager Advanced Driver Training Services King of Prussia, Pennsylvania...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 11–14, 2006
Paper Number: ASSE-06-667
... space work will usually have both of these sensors. The oxygen sensor may be used in the vast majority of operating environments without specific identification of other issues that may be present. The flammable sensor is typically a broad range sensor that will detect flammability problems without...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 10–13, 2001
Paper Number: ASSE-01-745
... may encounter. Oxygen and flammability issues should generally be checked as a standard practice. This is the simplest approach to these items because instruments designed for confined space work will usually have both of these sensors. The oxygen sensor may be used in the vast majority of operating...

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