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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-755
...Session No. 755 Safety on College Campuses Significant Challenges and Opportunities Carol B. Schmeidler, MS, CSP University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY Introduction Approximately 20.5 million students were enrolled in colleges and universities in the United States in the fall of 2016. 12 million...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 19–22, 2017
Paper Number: ASSE-17-579
... State University, to gather quantifiable data to test the physical benefits of upper body exoskeleton technology on reducing fatigue. This paper presents those findings, along with the need to boldly go where no one has gone before, with expanding current ergonomic assessment tool effectiveness...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-510b
... technician university world country public safety sprinkler technician fire alarm system east africa us government sprinkler system contingency planning djibouti jurisdiction djiboutian government engineer law enforcement fire protection system djiboutian people embassy compound...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 7–10, 2015
Paper Number: ASSE-15-626
... workshop university internet real time health & medicine sensor air emission monitoring smartphone real-time site noise megatrend us government safety professional instrumentation environmental compliance information safety construction compliance hazard Methods...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 8–11, 2014
Paper Number: ASSE-14-564
... protracted fire exposures). flash fire sensor fr clothing personnel experiment exposure single location heat flux fire field flame front hydrocarbon university wind speed cloud firefighter average heat flux ignition source environmental condition flame front move Session No 564...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 8–11, 2014
Paper Number: ASSE-14-681
... to a better quality of life and improved productivity. This article will introduce safety professionals to this approach and provide links to resources for implementing the Total Worker Health approach at the worksite. university sustainability safety american heart association employer total...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 8–11, 2014
Paper Number: ASSE-14-745
... information foundation safety occupational safety and health high-profile school practitioner faculty artificial intelligence doctoral program behm university educational setting Session No. 745 The Contribution of Research to Education in the Safety Field Joel M. Haight, Ph.D., P.E. Associate...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 8–11, 2014
Paper Number: ASSE-14-A3
... Introduction Internships have served as a prime example of cooperation between universities and private- and public-sector employers to provide a cooperative educational service to college students (McGlothlin 2003, 41). These types of experiential learning allows students to apply...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-533
... Permissible Exposure Limit, and then described in easy language how to interpret results from sound level meters and apply them to the regulations under APD, which were the same as OSHA's federal regulations. Skipping ahead to 2009, I was in an MSPH program through Tulane University's Center for Applied...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-551
... relevant. 2 usage toolkit university blog follower handbook twitter platform facebook usage us government credibility lower north fork fire crisis communication information technology services interaction disaster knowledge management social media social networking site olympic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-760
... is that this is the current job description for a safety manager position at the University of Texas at Dallas. (University of Texas at Dallas Human Resources, 2007). Although the safety profession has made significant strides in making our workplaces safer, the bottom line is that too many senior leaders and – even more...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-750
... performance and decisions through a feedback system. responsibility nonprofit organization drucker peter drucker knowledge worker safety professional ethics business ethics bloomberg businessweek magazine safety professional manager objective november 27 essential drucker university...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-A6
...Session No. A6 Use of Benchmarking to Identify Areas for Continuous Improvement among ABET-accredited Occupational Safety and Health Educational Programs Malcom Dunbar, MS, CSP Melissa Sawa, Oakland University Student Introduction The Occupational Safety and Health Program at the School of Health...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-LA
...." "He who does not research has nothing to teach." "It is necessary for the administration of a university, if service to students be the goal, to differentiate between teaching knowledge to students and teaching information. A teacher who is competent in his line will teach knowledge. Less competent...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 24–27, 2013
Paper Number: ASSE-13-A3
... Introduction My experiences as a professor of safety and health at four universities and a site visitor at numerous other universities with similar programs made me aware of the fact that higher education in the United States is experiencing an increasing number of foreign-national students...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-688
... is that this is the current job description for a safety manager position at the University of Texas at Dallas. (University of Texas at Dallas Human Resources, 2007). Although the safety profession has made significant strides in making our workplaces safer, the bottom line is that too many senior leaders and, even more...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-748
... with government organizations, university leaders, and professional safety organizations. The delegation included 13 safety and health professionals who are ASSE members, and two ASSE professional staff representatives. Delegates represented the United States, Australia, Canada and Germany. The People to People...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 3–6, 2012
Paper Number: ASSE-12-A6
... Introduction Forty years ago, Safety Management (SAFM) students at West Virginia University were most often employed in vibrant Appalachian-region industries such as steel making, the chemical industry or in manufacturing. The regulatory aspects of the safety movement being brand new...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition, June 12–15, 2011
Paper Number: ASSE-11-A5
..., & Bird, 2005; Petersen, 1998). Petersen (1998) offered the following views on the pressure academic institutions face. Employers, students, parents and funding bodies all want assurance that colleges and universities are providing quality education. Concerns over the rising costs of higher education...

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