A novel two-phase Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes (CH-NS) solver has been developed to predict multiphase flows in oil and gas transport. Compared to more classical CFD methods (like the VOF model), this approach provides additional benefits, namely a better geometrical flexibility and better computational efficiency, as it applies the CH equation for the liquid-gas interface and as it applies the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization method.
The model predictions have been validated against the spinodal decomposition and the rising bubble test case. The model was also evaluated for four conditions in the Taitel & Dukler flow pattern map. Furthermore, simulations were made for two cases resembling real operational conditions confirms the predictive capacities of the model for industry.
O&G field developments are significantly challenged by the uncertainty in the prediction of the multiphase flow transport (gas, oil, and water). Simulations are needed to make the appropriate decision on the correct sizing of the production network for the whole field life. The different project phases [13] towards a final development concept and investment decision will require a number of decisions associated to multiphase flow.