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Keywords: bypass pig
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Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the BHR 19th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 5–7, 2019
Paper Number: BHR-2019-317
... & simulation upstream oil & gas boundary point pig velocity equation boundary condition bypass pig pig-generated slug bypass time step pig motion two-fluid model liquid slug holdup bhr group mpt2019 discretization eigenvalue pipeline pigging Simulation of slug propagation for by-pass...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 7–9, 2017
Paper Number: BHR-2017-501
... of by-pass to regulate the by-passing fluid force. First test runs show that the velocity surges can indeed be reduced, which demonstrate the feasibility of realizing fully autonomous control for bypass pigs in low pressure pipelines. INTRODUCTION Pipeline maintenance in the oil and gas industry...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 10–12, 2015
Paper Number: BHR-2015-C4
... In the oil and gas industry, bypass pigs are used to allow part of the production fluids to bypass the pig (Pipeline Inspection Gauge) during a pigging operation as compared to a conventional pig. This has been proven to be beneficial for both cleaning of the pipe and inspection of the pipe wall...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 12–14, 2013
Paper Number: BHR-2013-F1
... multiphase 16 field experience bypass area bypass pig liquid surge pipeline pigging production deferment bypass bypass size bhr group 2013 operation trunkline slug catcher flow rate Field experience with by-pass pigging to mitigate liquid surge G van Spronsen1, A Entaban2, K Mohamad Amin2, S...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, May 25–27, 2005
Paper Number: BHR-2005-F3
.... upstream oil & gas liquid launcher gas gathering system bypass pig reduction slug catcher bypass fraction velocity reduction multiphase production technology 12 two-phase flow pipeline pipeline pigging flow rate bhr group 2005 slug reduction Slug reduction with high by-pass pigs...

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