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Keywords: hydrate formation
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Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the BHR 19th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 5–7, 2019
Paper Number: BHR-2019-201
... Abstract. A new predictive model for hydrate formation kinetics that captures the porous structure evolution in time is coupled with a multiphase flow mechanistic model. It is assumed that the hydrate particles behave as sponges, related to hydrate formation under flow shear. The multiphase...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the BHR 19th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 5–7, 2019
Paper Number: BHR-2019-231
... ABSTRACT Hydrate management has become a key topic in flow assurance due to the oil & gas production in cold environments (deep waters) and due to the high flow rates of water, especially in brownfields. Considering this, a hydrates formation and transport model is formulated and coupled...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the BHR 19th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 5–7, 2019
Paper Number: BHR-2019-247
... to fit pressure drop and heat transfer data before being used as a base line for detecting hydrate formation. 2 INTRODUCTION Over the past years successful production system design and operations have become more and more challenging since important flow assurance risks need to be tackled concurrently...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 7–9, 2017
Paper Number: BHR-2017-039
... a new method to directly predict the effect of hydrate formation on transient flow in oil & gas flowlines. The method couples established models for transient flow, fluid properties, and hydrate formation to allow for prediction of the severity of hydrate formation in transient operations and rapid...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 10–12, 2015
Paper Number: BHR-2015-H3
... Abstract Subsea pipeline leakage can result in significant operational downtime and lead to severe environmental damage, along with considerable economic loss. This paper studies the flow behaviours and the potential of hydrate formation risks due to pipeline leakage in subsea natural gas (NG...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 12–14, 2013
Paper Number: BHR-2013-D3
... Practicalities of thermodynamic hydrate inhibitor distribution within hydrocarbon systems under steady state and dynamic operations S Vahedi, T Wood INTECSEA WorleyParsons Group, UK ABSTRACT Hydrate formation in pipelines and processing facilities is a frequent problem within the oil and gas...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 12–14, 2013
Paper Number: BHR-2013-D4
... upstream oil & gas project schedule boundary hydrate formation flow assurance design khi khis phase boundary inhibitor Fast-track flow assurance design for kinetic hydrate inhibitors without laboratory testing: A case study E Luna-Ortiz, K Szklarczyk, M Healey Xodus Group, Production...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 17–19, 2009
Paper Number: BHR-2009-H1
... on these seeds rather than on the steel wall. Silver iodide and titanium oxide particles have been tested. Both are very effective in speeding up the hydrate formation process. However, the silver iodide particles did form an impractical viscous slurry, while titanium oxide formed free flowing hydrates. Making...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 17–19, 2009
Paper Number: BHR-2009-H2
... viscosity equation hydrate growth flow assurance transfer coefficient water viscosity pipeline gas hydrate equilibrium simulation fugacity bhr group 2009 insulation hydrate formation conversion mass transfer limitation coefficient upstream oil & gas hydrate Simulation...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 13–15, 2007
Paper Number: BHR-2007-F2
... 2007 Multiphase Production Technology 13. 343 wM : Molecular mass of water (g.mol -1) hydraten , oiln : Quantity of gas consumed by hydrate formation and oil saturation (mol) ksntan , separatorn : Quantity of gas consumed from gas tanks and separator (mol) P : Differential pressure (Pa) Q : Volume...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, May 25–27, 2005
Paper Number: BHR-2005-J1
... ABSTRACT During the design phases of a Deep Offshore field development, a major issue in Flow Assurance is the prevention of Hydrates formation in the flowlines and risers. After designing the system, numerous multiphase flow and transient cool-down simulations are required, to account...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, May 25–27, 2005
Paper Number: BHR-2005-J3
... ABSTRACT We present a theoretical model describing the agglomeration process between hydrate particles in systems composed of water in crude oil emulsions. This model allows prediction of the evolution of physical properties of the liquid phase during hydrate formation as the apparent...
Proceedings Papers

Publisher: BHR Group
Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, May 25–27, 2005
Paper Number: BHR-2005-J4
... in multiphase pipelines and incorporates correlations based on data from a dedicated series of hydrate formation experiments at laboratory scale. The results of these tests have been used to determine expressions for the rate of hydrate formation and the delay between the moment of the pipeline operating...

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