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Proceedings Papers
Carbon Management Technology Conference
February 7–9, 2012
Orlando, Florida, USA
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An Innovative and Cost Effective CO2 Capture Technology
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Sandstone Aquifers: How Does It Affect the Permeability?
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Modeling CO2 Injection Including Diffusion in a Fractured-Chalk Experiment with Initial Water Saturation
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Laboratory Measurements of CO2-H2O Interfacial Tension at HP/HT Conditions: Implications for CO2 Sequestration in Deep Aquifers
Ali Shariat; Robert Gordon Moore; Sudarshan A. Mehta; Kees Cornelius Van Fraassen; Kent Edward Newsham; Jay Alan Rushing
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Assessment of CO2 EOR and Its Geo-Storage Potential in Mature Oil Reservoirs, Changqing Oil Field, China
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Study of the CO2 Injection, Storage, and Sequestration in Depleted M4 Carbonate Gas Condensate Reservoir, Malaysia
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Numerical and Analytical Optimization of Injection Rate During CO2-EOR and -Sequestration Processes
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
An Assessment of a CO2 Flood for EOR and Sequestration Benefits in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
An Efficient IMPES-Based, Shifting Matrix Algorithm To Simulate Two-Phase, Immiscible Flow in Porous Media With Application to CO2 Sequestration in the Subsurface
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Lessons Learned from Practical Application of Geochemical Monitoring Methodology to CO2 Storage Site: Specific Case of Claye-Souilly project, Paris Basin, France
Philippe de Donato; Jacques Pironon; Odile Barres; Judith Sausse; Natalia Quisel; Stephane Thomas; Zbigniew Pokryszka; Alain Laurent
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Increasing Awareness Among Fluid Milk Processors of the Economic Feasibility of Energy Efficiency Projects, and Encouraging Their Adoption Through Access to Benchmarking and Other Decision-Support Tools
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
NEMS-CTS: A Model and Framework for Comprehensive Assessment of CCS and Infrastructure
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Infrastructure Analysis for Geologic CO2 Storage Applications in the Arches Province of the Midwest United States
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
A Generational Approach to Managing Energy Efficiency
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
A Statistical Approach to Plant-Level Energy Benchmarks and Baselines: The Energy Star Manufacturing-Plant Energy Performance Indicator
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Hemi Process for Energy-Efficient Phosphoric Acid
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Analysis of Biofuel Policy and Efficiency Towards Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Generation of Nanoparticle-Stabilized Supercritical CO2 Foams
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Integrally Geared Centrifugal Compressors for High-Pressure CO2
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Biomass Cofiring: Will It Affect Your Operation and Bottom Line Revenue?
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
New Technology For Offshore CO2 Reservoir Monitoring and Flow Control
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Determining the Applicability of Carbon Capture and Storage Under Best Available Control Technologies (BACT) for Any New or Modified Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
The Case for CCS as a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Feasibility of Transportation and Geologic Sequestration of Carbon in the Florida Panhandle
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
NETL CO2 Injection and Storage Cost Model
Timothy C Grant; David Morgan; Michael Lewis Godec; Richard Lawrence; Jason Valenstein; Robert Murray
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Flow Simulation of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers Using Black Oil Simulator
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Dynamic Response of Monoethanolamine (MEA) CO2 Capture Units
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Global Climate Change Technology Education
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Canadian Oil Sands Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Programs: Source, Scope, and Enforcement
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Data Assessment and Collection for a Simplified LCA Tool
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Radiative Forcing Due to Reduction in Albedo by New Zealand Pasture/Forest and Equivalent CO2 Absorption
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
CO2 Capture Technology by Using Semi-clathrate Hydrates
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Assessment of Top Gas Recycling Blast Furnace: A Technology To Reduce CO2 Emissions in the Steelmaking Industry
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Environmental Assessment of Biomass Options for Ironmaking
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Development of a Risk Register for an Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage Project
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Communication and Data Analysis Tools for Building an Energy Management Program
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Underground Coal Gasification and Potential for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Simulation Study of CO2-Assisted Waterflooding for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery and Geological Storage
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Influences of CO2 Emissions on Temperature Change and Global Warming in the United Arab Emirates
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Developing Financial Perspective on GHG Management
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Global Energy Management System
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
A Sensible Route to Energy Efficiency Improvement and GHG Management in the Steel Industry
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
The SECARB Anthropogenic Test: The First US Integrated Capture, Transportation, and Storage Test
George Jonathan Koperna; David Edward Riestenberg; Vello Alex Kuuskraa; Richard Rhudy; Robert Christian Trautz; Gerald Hill; Richard A. Esposito
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
A Process for Adopting Carbon Metrics in Plant Decommissioning and Demolition Projects
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Comparison of Brine Production Scenarios for Geologic Carbon Sequestration Operations
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Evaluation of Large-Scale Geologic Carbon Sequestration Potential in the Virginia Piedmont and Coastal Plain
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Assessing the Cost of Carbon Capture and Storage - Users Beware
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Characteristic Analyses of Gasification and Combustion of Different Coal Samples in CO2-Enriched and Recycled Flue Gases Atmosphere by Rapid Heating: Effects of O2 Concentration and H2O{capital Beta}
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Parametric Models of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Coal- and Biomass-to-Liquid Facilities
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Roundabouts and Carbon Management
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Dynamics of CO2 Transport and Injection Strategies in a Depleted Gas Field
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
The "Smart Green": A New Model for the Optimal Carbon Management
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Implementing Simulation and Artificial Intelligence Tools To Optimize the Performance of the CO2 Sequestration in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Northwest Java And East Natuna Field: Perspective To Apply Carbon Capture And Storage (CCS) In Indonesia
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Transportation Fuels: Issues and Implications for Unconventional Fuel Sources
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Revised Petroleum Industry Guidelines for Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Oil and Gas Industry
Robert Siveter; Karin Ritter; Michael Clowers; Arthur Lee; Jaime Martin Juez; Brigitte Poot; Terry Killian; Michael Cass; Rodrigo Chaves Cardoso de Oliveira; Christopher Loreti; Eva Romero-Giron Gracia; Tim Stileman
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Carbon Accounting Protocol in Construction
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Energy Efficiency and GHG Emissions for Alternative Iron- and Steelmaking Process Technologies
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Impact of Cokemaking Technology on a Steel Plant's Carbon Footprint
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Energy Design Review
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
The Effects of Anisotropy and Heterogeneity on CO2 Dissolution in Deep Saline Aquifers
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
A Risk-Based Monitoring Plan for the Fort Nelson Feasibility Project
Charles David Gorecki; James Alan Sorensen; Ryan Joseph Klapperich; Lisa S. Botnen; Edward N. Steadman; John A. Harju
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Coupled CO2 Sequestration and Energy Production From Geopressured-Geothermal Aquifers
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Design and Analysis of a Smart Energy Management System for Residential and Industrial Buildings
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Optimal Control of Injection/Extraction Wells for the Surface Dissolution CO2 Storage Strategy
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
CO2 Capture Using Advanced Carbon Sorbents
Gopala N. Krishnan; Marc Hornbostel; Jianer Bao; Angel Sanjurjo; Joshua B. Sweeney; Donald Carruthers; Melissa Petruska
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Consider System Efficiency for Increased Savings
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Governance Challenges in Adapting to Sea Level Rise
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Efficiency and Compliance Regulations: Side Effects
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Viability of CO2 Injection and Storage in Deepwater Subseabed Formations: Case Studies
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
CO2 Sequestration in Deepwater Sediments: Optimization and Parametric Studies
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
EOR Prospects for a Mature Oil Reservoir in an Oil Field of Potwar Region, Pakistan
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Greenhouse Gas Reporting for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Large Volume of CO2 Injection at the Cranfield, Early Field Test of the SECARB Phase III: Near-Surface Monitoring
Changbing Yang; Katherine D. Romanak; Robert M. Holt; Jeff Lindner; Laura Smith; Ramon Trevino; Frank Roecker; Yunjui Xia; Jamie Rickerts; Susan Hovorka
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Context and Contrasts of Voluntary and Mandatory Reporting in the US
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Impact of CO2 Emissions Policy and System Configuration on Optimal Operation of an Integrated Fossil-Renewable Energy Park
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of a Paper Machine Main Lubrication System
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
CO2 Injection in a Saline Formation: How Do Additional Data Change Uncertainties in Our Reservoir Simulation Predictions?
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
What Is Next in Geologic CO2 Storage Research?
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Integrating CO2 EOR and CO2 Storage in the Bell Creek Oil Field
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Design and Analysis of CO2 Capture, Transport, and Storage Networks
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
3D Stochastic Reservoir Model and Fluid Flow Simulation of a CO2-EOR Pilot in a Fractured Reservoir
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Simulation of Leakage Scenarios for CO2 Storage at Gordon Creek, Utah
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Effects of Aquifer Parameters on Long-Term Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Subsurface Monitoring of Large-Scale CO2 Injection at SECARBC's Phase III Cranfield Site
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Utilization of Carbon Dioxide as Regenerative Agent for Deactivated Co-Ni Steam Reforming Catalysts
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Wellbore Leakage Model for Above-Zone Monitoring at Cranfield, MS
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
The Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership: Progressing Geologic Storage Through Applied Research
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Transportation's Role in Sustainability
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Carbon Accounting: A New Profession
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Permeability of Coal and Coal-Biomass Mixtures as Feedstocks To Reduce Net Carbon Emissions
Rohan A. Belvalkar; Divya Chandra; Kenneth Sprouse; Dirk VanEssendelft; Chris Marone; Derek Elsworth
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Carbon Capture and Storage in Indian Coal Seams
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
US DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory's Post Combustion Carbon Capture R&D Program
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
New Energy Efficient CO2 Pressurization Strategies for Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Advancing Oxycombustion Technology for Bituminous Coal Power Plants: An R&D Guide
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
A Graphical Solution To Model the Flow of Compressible CO2 in Aquifers
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Low-Temperature High-Energy-Efficiency Production of Metals From Metal Oxides
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
The Longannet to Goldeneye Project: Challenges in Developing an End-to-End CCS Scheme
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Carbon Policy and Its Impact on Construction Firms
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Carbon Management Education: Making Supply Meet Demand
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Enhancement of CO2 Absorption in Aqueous Diethanolamine Amine Using Microchannel Contactors
Amir Shooshtari; Radoslaw Kuzmicki; Serguei Dessiatoun; Mohamed Alshehhi; Ebrahim Al Hajri; Michael M. Ohadi
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Active CO2 Reservoir Management for CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage: An Approach to Improve CO2 Storage Capacity and to Reduce Risk
Thomas A. Buscheck; Samuel Julius Friedmann; Yunwei Sun; Mingjie Chen; Yue Hao; Thomas J. Wolery; Roger D. Aines
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Improved Force Balance for Predicting Vertical Migration of CO2 From Geologic Sequestration Sites
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
CO2 Sequestration in Deepwater Sediments Offshore Japan
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
The Rock Springs Uplift: A Premier CO2 Storage Site in Wyoming
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Implementation Barriers of Carbon Management Technologies of Industries in Northern Mindanao
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
A Carbon Management Experience
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
The Cement Industry Roadmap to Reduce Carbon Emissions
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation at the US Army Corps of Engineers: Policy, Plans, and Projects
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
Uncertainty Analysis and Risk Quantification for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise
Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
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