
The feasibility of geologic sequestration is a function of many attributes including those related to site geology, geography, environment, engineering, and economics. Recently, a technical team from Southern Company, and the University of North Florida completed a preliminary feasibility evaluation of carbon transport and geologic sequestration in the Florida, USA "Pan-Handle" region. The study utilized various evaluation tools including GIS, numerical models, and optimization models.

The overall planning and feasibility methodology is an adaptation of existing published frameworks for large water resources projects and for aquifer, storage and recovery (ASR) wells. The application of the new methodologies was demonstrated for geologic sequestration alternatives in Florida.

The study results indicate that the Florida Pan-Handle region contains several suitable geologic sequestration storage repositories in close proximity to major carbon dioxide emission sources. The suitable geologic sequestration storage repositories include depleted oil reservoirs and extensive saline aquifers. The overall feasibility is controlled by geologic suitability of the repositories, transportation and storage costs to the repositories, and local host considerations.

The significance of this study is that it is the first feasibility study of a geologic sequestration network in Florida, USA. Also, the overall planning and feasibility framework is original and could be utilized for other potential project areas around the world.

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