
Eastman Chemical Company has a history of successfully reducing energy intensity. Eastman has received American Chemistry Council (ACC) energy efficiency awards for 18 consecutive years and reduced energy intensity by 38% over 15 years. However, energy efficiency improvements were primarily driven by committed individuals and cost pressures rather than a systemic energy management program. In 2010, Eastman restructured the corporate energy management team and embarked on a journey to build a comprehensive energy management program.

Communication tools were developed to build program recognition and provide program structure. Recognition that different tools were needed for different audiences resulted in customized communications directed toward all employees from the operator to the executive level. Examples of tools will be shared with emphasis on communication of energy strategy, guiding principles, and use of business measures to quantify the financial benefits of energy efficiency.

A variety of data analysis tools has also been developed to better enable understanding of energy use and to help drive improvements. These tools range from simple checklists to assess the implementation of initiatives at all sites to a complex model that quantifies the primary factors that influence energy intensity. The tools that have been developed will be discussed with a description of applicability.

After over a year of concerted effort, Eastman has a defined and structured energy management program. Awareness of the importance of energy efficiency has been increased at all levels. For the first time, in 2011, specific capital funding was provided for a group of designated energy efficiency projects. The tools that have been developed have resulted in a recognized energy management program that yields increased energy efficiency, reduced emissions, and a positive impact on business results.


Eastman Chemical Company has always been mindful of energy usage. However, the commitment to continuous improvement was advanced to a new level in 2010 when the energy program was restructured. Previously led from a procurement focus and limited to information sharing, project lists, and discrete site initiatives, the Energy Program was elevated to an overall corporate program with efforts to increase awareness, corporate initiatives, funding for individual projects and use of available resources. This has been fine-tuned during 2011 through continuous use of the ENERGY STAR® Guidelines for Energy Management.

The Corporate Energy Management Team, led by a Certified Energy Manager, meets monthly and promotes Eastman's adherence to the Energy Policy, which was updated in 2011 to reflect environmental implications of the energy program and signed and endorsed by Eastman Chairman and CEO, Jim Rogers. This team has representatives from all sites and is comprised of many organizations including engineering, manufacturing, procurement, and utilities.

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