Global warming and CO2 emissions have been a great concern and serious threat to human beings. Even though the problem is clear and well-known, there are still debates among the scientists in the causes of such changes. On the other hand, numbers of studies indicated that there is a good relationship between global warming and CO2 emissions. The extensive use of non-renewable energy resources such as oil is one of the main factors to cause these changes. After discovering oil around 1960, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) face very fast economical development accompanied with population growth. These bring tremendous demand on energy in different sectors such as industry, commercial and residential. Oil was a main source to generate energy to respond to these great demands. This study presents the relationship between CO2 emission and temperature change in the UAE with respect to the global warming. The CO2 emissions of UAE in last 48 years are averaged about 33.6 metric tons per capita. This clearly shows that an average of UAE's CO2 emission in last 48 years is about 8 times higher than the world average CO2 emissions of 4.1 metric tons per capita. In the UAE, the mean highest and the lowest temperature were recorded 28.7 (in 1998) and 26.5 (in 1992) oC respectively during the last 18 years. The mean rainfall data exhibit more scattering than the mean temperature data. During the last 10 years, even though the mean average temperature data indicates stabilization of around 28.4oC, the mean average rainfall data shows considerable decrement from 12.8 to 4.61 mm compare to the previous years. If this trend continues for decades, the area will have less and less rain and will be hotter. Accordingly, it is fact that increases in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere causes temperature increase and contributes in global warming.
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Carbon Management Technology Conference
February 7–9, 2012
Orlando, Florida, USA
Influences of CO2 Emissions on Temperature Change and Global Warming in the United Arab Emirates
Ahmed Murad
Ahmed Murad
United Arab Emirates University
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Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012.
Paper Number:
February 07 2012
Arman, Hasan, and Ahmed Murad. "Influences of CO2 Emissions on Temperature Change and Global Warming in the United Arab Emirates." Paper presented at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2012. doi:
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