The world's energy challenges are multi-dimensional. Meeting growing demand, while also protecting the environment, will require an integrated series of solutions. Expanding all commercially viable energy sources, developing and deploying technology to help mitigate the growth of emissions, and accelerating gains in energy efficiency are all essential elements.
Energy efficiency is one of the largest and lowest-cost ways to extend our world's energy supplies and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Between 1980 and 2005, nearly half the increase in global energy demand was met by improvements in energy efficiency. Further gains in energy efficiency through 2030 will curb demand growth by about 65 percent.
At ExxonMobil, we are taking actions to reduce energy usage and emissions in our own operations, and we are working on energy-efficient products and technologies that will help manufacturers and consumers do the same. On the operations side, we have invested 1.6 billion dollars since 2006 in activities that improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through our own actions, greenhouse gas emissions are down over 12 million tonnes since 2005, equivalent to removing about 2.5 million cars from U.S. roads.
Through deployment of our proprietary Global Energy Management System (GEMS), we have identified opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of our refineries and chemical plants by 15–20 percent. A strong focus on operation and maintenance of existing equipment, coupled with energy efficient design of new facilities, enabled us to achieve best-ever energy efficiency in 2010. We are on track to achieve our goal of improving energy efficiency across our worldwide refining and chemical operations by at least 10 percent from 2002–2012.
On the consumer side, we have developed a variety of technologies that are available today, including lighter-weight vehicle parts, improved tire liners, energy-efficient synthetic lubricants and lithium-ion battery separator films. We are also working on a number of breakthrough technologies to help power next generation lower-emission vehicles, and we continue to sponsor strategic research into ways to make alternatives like solar, hydrogen and biofuels more affordable for use on a broader scale.
Improving energy efficiency is more than just good business. It is a triple-winner that benefits companies, consumers, and the environment alike. More efficient operations extend the supply and affordability of conventional energy resources, while reducing plant operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike other options, which may require trillions of dollars and decades to develop, improving energy efficiency can make a significant difference today.