As environmental concerns have grown among small scale and large corporations in the Philippines, interventions to reduce carbon emissions should be implemented by the stakeholders and key players from the industries. But considering the status quo, this study shows the reasons and identifies the intentions why companies could not easily adapt and implement carbon management technologies which are practiced by other international companies. The scope of the study is in Northern Mindanao where around 30 industries from the energy generation, cement industry, food production, chemical processing, and steel manufacturing are the major divisions.
The emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) is totally reshaping the climate over centuries. Though the process exists over millions of years, this natural phenomenon through carbon cycle has been overtaken by human activities. Nevertheless, it is inevitable that greenhouse gases are the dominant contributors of climate change. Moreover, carbon emission consist the majority.
The massive burning of fossil fuel through transportations and industries are bolstering carbon emissions throughout the world. The coal powered industries, cement companies, cars, and airplanes are just few of the transgressors.
With the response of the problem, public companies and private corporations are applying mitigating measures regarding carbon emissions. Thus, numbers of options are laid down by environmentalists, government officials, and industry experts in reducing carbon emission. However, there are still preferences within the nature of the industry, the implementation ability and capacity, and the economic context of the company and the country.
In the developing countries such as the Philippines, another consideration is the level of awareness amongst employees or professionals on the effects of GHG emission, carbon emissions and the existence of carbon management technologies. There might be companies who are aware of these but prefer not to act on the situation due to financial constraints.
In Northern Mindanao, there exist around 30 industries namely of power generation, food production, chemical processing, and steel manufacturing plants. This part of the country has attracted local and international industries which are mostly private corporations because of its accessibility, land area, and low labor cost. Most industries in this region were built in the early 1950s when cities were still underdeveloped and residences were still concentrated on the heart of the cities thus giving the industries a lot of space in remote areas of the provinces.