
This article considers the relationships among different morphometric parameters (sail height, keel depth, and cross-sectional area) of ice ridges studied in 2013–2015 and 2017 in the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian Seas. The size of the ice blocks that compose these ridges is the focus of this research. Different scenarios of ridge formation depending on different thicknesses of ice fields are considered, and the main scenarios of ridging in the Arctic areas are defined. Correlations between morphometric values for homogeneous, heterogeneous, and composite ridges are determined. A classification of ice ridges according to the relative thickness of the ice fields involved in their formation is proposed.


The active development of hydrocarbon deposits on the shelf of the Arctic seas, beginning at the end of the last century, intensified research on the properties and parameters of ice features such as the parameters of ice blocks, which are the fundamental basis for the structure of ice ridges. Morphometric parameters of the ridges are undoubtedly related to the parameters of ice blocks, and the main aim of this work is to clarify and determine their relationships. To do this, from an entire sample of studied ice ridges, only those for which the connection of the external and internal structures with the parameters of the blocks and surrounding ice fields was the simplest were selected.

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