In general, the thermal jet flow generated by cooling water discharge from a submarine is modeled as the horizontal thermal buoyancy jet. Most of the previous experimental research does not take the influence of density gradient into account, and only a few computational investigations considered the effect of jet temperature. In this paper, a temperature-driven density stratification method is proposed to achieve the continuously density stratified fluid and then implemented in the commercial software STAR-CCM+ 2302. The linear temperature distribution in the background is specified, and the relationship between density and temperature is then provided explicitly. The large eddy simulation is used to model horizontal thermal buoyancy jet turbulence. Results show that the trajectory centerline of a jet experiences a “horizontal zone,” a “transition zone,” and a “stable zone.” The centerline trajectory of the jet may vary based on the definition of specific physical parameters, and the temperature and flow rate of the jet can affect the temperature and vorticity variation curve of the jet. The closer the jet is to the nozzle, the higher the temperature and vorticity values of the jet, and the faster the decay. A larger density gradient and Reynolds number inhibit the buoyancy of the jet.
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December 2024
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December 12 2024
Numerical Investigation of Horizontal Thermal Buoyancy Jet in Linearly Stratified Fluid
Gang Gao;
Gang Gao
Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Lab (CMHL), School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
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Liushuai Cao;
Liushuai Cao
Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Lab (CMHL), School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
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Decheng Wan;
Decheng Wan
Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Lab (CMHL), School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
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Yangjun Wang;
Yangjun Wang
College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing, China
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Zhiben Shen;
Zhiben Shen
Hanjiang National Laboratory, Wuhan, China
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Yun Wang
Yun Wang
Hanjiang National Laboratory, Wuhan, China
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Int. J. Offshore Polar Eng. 34 (04): 383–392.
Paper Number:
Article history
October 09 2023
May 17 2024
Published Online:
December 12 2024
Gao, Gang, Cao, Liushuai, Wan, Decheng, Wang, Yangjun, Shen, Zhiben, and Yun Wang. "Numerical Investigation of Horizontal Thermal Buoyancy Jet in Linearly Stratified Fluid." Int. J. Offshore Polar Eng. 34 (2024): 383–392. doi:
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