As the world transitions to clean energy sources, Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) has emerged as a leading solution for large-scale hydrogen storage. While the depleted oil or gas reservoirs are ideal for UHS, the effect of geochemical reactions among injected hydrogen, wellbore, and cement is not documented. This study aims to assess cement and well integrity by examining the geochemical interaction between API cement and hydrogen near the wellbore under varying temperature and pressure conditions. The numerical simulation was carried out to study the geochemical reaction between hydrogen and API class G/H cement minerals using the PHREEQC version 3 simulator. The dissolution reactions of hydrogen with the initial cement components, namely calcium tetra calcium alumino-ferrite (C4AF), tricalcium aluminate (C3A), tricalcium silicate (C3S), and dicalcium silicate (C2S) were modelled at various pressure and temperature conditions. The simulation assumed continuous cement hydration over an infinite time to assess the long-term effects of hydrogen-cement interactions and its impact on cement integrity near the wellbore. Based on this numerical simulation, we found that at 56.2oC, the formation of calcium silicate hydrate(CSH), portlandite, C3AH6, Mackinawite, magnetite, and hydrotalcite. At 95°C, similar minerals were formed with slightly higher amounts of CSH and slightly less portlandite, while others did not exhibit a noticeable difference. At 119°C, it was observed that a noticeable increase in CSH and a noticeable reduction in portlandite amount. Additionally, the formation of ettringite was observed at elevated temperatures. These findings highlight the temperature- dependent changes in mineral composition near the wellbore, which may have implications for the long-term integrity of the cement matrix in hydrogen-affected environments. Based on comprehensive numerical simulation studies, this paper highlights critical insights for a better understanding of hydrogen-cement interactions in the context of underground hydrogen storage, and its impact on the long-term-integrity of wellbores in hydrogen storage application, essential for enhancing the knowledge base for safe and effective implementation of underground hydrogen storage technologies.