In this paper the nonlinear problem of interaction of brittle fracture and loss of stability of bar (column) containing crack under compression and bending is solved. The cracked cross-section is modelled by an elastic link. The boundary interaction curves are shown in dimensionless coordinates (S/S cr M/ML). The termination of interaction curves allows to predict limit load capacity and durability of a platform column containing cracks which took place as a result of fatigue or technological faults. As an example interaction curves of the column on foundation and the column fixed to a platform with limited bending stiffness are given.
Solutions are given by Liebowitz and Claus (1968) and Anifantis and Dimarogunas (1983) where critical loading capacity of compressed bars is determined. However bars in service are not only compressed but at the same time they are loaded with transverse loading. In this paper the nonlinear solution of trancaverse bended and compressed bars containing crack is presented.
In Tables 1 and 2 the coordinates of interaction curves (eq.15) for the values of coefficient (m) proper for cracked bar shown in Fig 1 are given while the coefficients necessary for bars with rectangular cross-section are given in Table 3 (rows 1–7). The change of loading capacity coefficient 2 W vs a/h rat10 is glven 1n Fig.2 Table 3 1S completed with: σ cr from eq. (12). coefficient from eq. (16) and coefficient m.
It was shown that it is possible to perform integral solution of nonlinear bending of cracked bars. The problem was solved for bars under transverse bending and compression. It is shown that the curves of interaction essentially facilitate an estimation of loading capacity estimation which decreases significantly within creasing crack depth.