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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The First ISOPE European Offshore Mechanics Symposium, August 20–22, 1990
Paper Number: ISOPE-E-90-022
... unloaded out-of-plane brace ultimate load chord brace in-plane brace rotation capacity strength axially stiffness intersection Pro<eedIn8' of the First (1990) Elilopean Offshore Mechamo SymposIum Trondhelm, Norway, 20-22 August 1990 CopYlIght © 1990 by The In/flnatlOnal Souery of Offshore...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The First ISOPE European Offshore Mechanics Symposium, August 20–22, 1990
Paper Number: ISOPE-E-90-023
... stIffeners are less prone to corrosive attack. Stress dlstrlbutlon around the intersection is more uniform In the case of internally ring-st1ffened JOInts when compared to that In unstlffened jOlnts. As part of investigatlons on tubular joints, an unst1ffened steel tubular T-JOInt and a stiffened steel...

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