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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The First ISOPE European Offshore Mechanics Symposium, August 20–22, 1990
Paper Number: ISOPE-E-90-023
...PlOceedmgs of rhe FII sr (/990) EU,lOpean OffshOi e Methamcs SymposIUm TlOndhelm, NOI way, 20-22 August 1990 COPYright © 1990 hy The Intel IUll/onal SOCIety of OffshOi e and Polm Engineer s ISBN 0-9626104-4-5 STUDIES ON UNSTIFFENED AND STIFFENED STEEL TUBULAR JOINTS G Raghava. A G Madhava Rao...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The First ISOPE European Offshore Mechanics Symposium, August 20–22, 1990
Paper Number: ISOPE-E-90-019
...Plo<eedmgs of the FII st (1990) EUI opean Offshore Mecham« SymposIUm TlOndhelm. NO! way. 20-22 August 1990 CopYllght © 1990 hy The InrematlOnal SOCIety ofOffshme and Polm Engmeers ISBN 0-9626104-4-5 DENTING ANALYSIS OF RING STIFFENED CYLINDRICAL SHELLS Michelle SHoo Fatt and Tomasz Wierzbicki...

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