In terms of structural strength, the weakest point in a floating pendulum wave energy converter is at the tubular connections located between the floater and the damping plate. It is supposed that the maximum stress occurs at this point when bending moments are applied under operational conditions. Thus, the behavior of the buckling and ultimate strength is an important aspect of the design of tubular connections. When buckling occurs, the in-plane stiffness of the structure significantly decreases. Hence, to prevent such buckling and maximize the ultimate strength of the connections, six types of longitudinal and vertical bracings are employed. In the present study, the ultimate bending strength of tubular connections was numerically investigated using a quasi-static approach. The findings of the study are useful for the detailed structural design of tubular connections.
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The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
June 15–20, 2014
Busan, Korea
Ultimate Bending Strength Behaviors of Tubular Connections on Floating Type Wave Energy Converter
Jung Min Sohn;
Jung Min Sohn
Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering
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Ho Jeong Cheon;
Ho Jeong Cheon
Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering
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Seung Ho Shin;
Seung Ho Shin
Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering
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Key Yong Hong
Key Yong Hong
Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering
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Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, June 2014.
Paper Number:
June 15 2014
Sohn, Jung Min, Cheon, Ho Jeong, Shin, Seung Ho, and Key Yong Hong. "Ultimate Bending Strength Behaviors of Tubular Connections on Floating Type Wave Energy Converter." Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, June 2014.
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