In this study, a 2RT seawater heat pump was designed and constructed. Then the system performance characteristics according to various variables were experimentally compared and analyzed. To analyze the performance of the 2RT seawater heat pump using the R32/R152a mixture, a performance test of the seawater heat pump according to the composition ratio of the mixed refrigerant and the temperature changes of the evaporation and condensation heat sources was conducted using the experimental conditions. The compressor discharge gas temperature and the compressor power requirement increased as the temperature of the heat source increased and as the composition of R32 increased. The 50% R32 composition showed a higher coefficient of performance of the system than the 35% R32 composition. For the evaporation heat source temperature of 9°C, when the R32 composition was 50%, the coefficient of performance increased by about 5.1% on the average from that when the R32 composition was 35%.
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The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
June 15–20, 2014
Busan, Korea
Performance Characteristics of Seawater Heat Pump Using R32/R152a Mixed Refrigerant
Ho-Saeng Lee;
Ho-Saeng Lee
Korea Research Institute of Ships & Oceans engineering
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Hyeon-Ju Kim;
Hyeon-Ju Kim
Korea Research Institute of Ships & Oceans engineering
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Sang-Won Cha;
Sang-Won Cha
Korea Research Institute of Ships & Oceans engineering
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Deok-Soo Moon
Deok-Soo Moon
Korea Research Institute of Ships & Oceans engineering
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Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, June 2014.
Paper Number:
June 15 2014
Lee, Ho-Saeng, Kim, Hyeon-Ju, Cha, Sang-Won, and Deok-Soo Moon. "Performance Characteristics of Seawater Heat Pump Using R32/R152a Mixed Refrigerant." Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, June 2014.
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