
Spar platform accommodating to intermediate and deep water is a reliable offshore structure that can support large floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT). In this paper, the hydrodynamic performance of FOWT is investigated by using experimental and numerical methods. The experiments are carried out for two models of 1:80 scales, one cylindrical spar and the other with heave plate at the bottom, respectively. In addition, at rated and extreme sea state, the wind force on the spar is modeled by a pulley-weight system attached to the spar top. The hydrodynamic force and motion response for both models are computed using combination of potential theory and Morison formulation. The viscous force on heave plate is approximated by choosing reasonable drag coefficient in the Morison formulation. The numerical and tests results are presented for the regular and irregular waves cases. Hydrodynamic prediction of the cylindrical spar is validated by the tests. But the difference of the cylindrical spar with heave plate exists between numerical prediction and the tests due to the behavior of the heave plate.

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