
In Korea, due to the restriction of current use of land and the rather complicated shore line, the reclamation has been applied to many places near the west shore of Korea to maximize the use of land such as Saemankeum sites. Accordingly, large quantity of soils is required for the reclamation of those sites and various researches on the artificial soil mixture have been performed as well. Coal combustion by-products (CCPs) are fly ash and bottom ash which are generated in large quantities in the coal-fired steam plants. More than hundreds tons are disposed in the designated ash pools even though some of them are reused as construction materials. Currently, there have been many difficulties not only to treat the reclaimed ashes due to the excessive amount but also to search for a new place for ash ponds to accommodate the generated ashes. To facilitate the recycling of the pond ash, this paper investigated the applicability of the pond ash to the reclamation site with dredged soils in terms of the shearing characteristics. The pond ash is described as various mixing ratio between bottom and fly ashes. The fine grained soils representing dredged materials are mixed with pond ash and resedimented in the large consolidometer with various compositions. Conventional triaxial tests are performed on the reconstituted artificial soil mixture to investigate the shearing behavior. Based on the triaxial test results, the pond ash would be a suitable material for the large reclamation sites in terms of stability.

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