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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 15–20, 2014
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-14-131
... distribution in wellbore and the adjustment of the choke valve are also affected subsequently. gas hydrate methane correlation bishnoi bop choke line decomposition university upstream oil & gas flow assurance reactor fraction dissolution equation experiment production monitoring...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 11–16, 1995
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-95-045
... academy induction time decomposition bishnoi annal hydrate Proceedlrt,s olthe Fifth (1995) Irrtemtllioftlll Of/shore IUUI Poilu Engineeriag ColiferellCII The H",ue, The Netherltuuls, June 11·16, 1995 Copyright@ 1995 by The Irrtemtllioftlll Society olOf/shore IUUI Poilu EllgiMen ISBN 1-880653·16-8...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 14–19, 1992
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-92-089
... or shrink before becoming a stable crystal. molecule unit cell hydrate primary nucleation upstream oil & gas metastable nucleus hypothesis solubility hydrate cage methane nucleus flow assurance metastability liquid water bishnoi sloan gas hydrate nucleation guest molecule...

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