This paper presents the solitary wave interaction with vegetation placed after the sloping bed using a three-dimensional hybrid model which couples a unified navier stokes equation modeled using Improved Meshless Local-Petrov Galerkin method with Rankine source (IMLPG_R) and Fully Non-Linear Potential theory (FNPT) modeled using Finite Element Method (FEM). IMLPG_R is used to model the vegetation region and FEM is used for pure fluid region. The unified Navier-Stokes equation is solved for both pure fluid and pure porous region in the IMLPG_R zone. This study is based on a macroscopic model where the vegetation region is considered as a wave pressure and a kinematics reduction zone, due to the additional drag and inertia forces caused by the vegetation. The additional forces depend on the vegetation density and dimension, which is represented in a variable named porous rate. This porous rate value is unity at pure fluid region and less than unity on the vegetation region. A transition region is provided where the porous rate gradually decreases from unity. Previously, two-dimensional wave vegetation interaction using IMLPG-R was successfully developed and promising results were obtained by Divya et al., (2020). The mesh-based method is two dimensional and less time consuming, hence it is used in the region where wave generation is done. In the coupling zone, the wave parameters from 2D FNPT model are transferred to the particles of 3D IMLPG-R model which is further progressed over the vegetation region. The interface between the pure fluid and porous region is numerically treated using a background mesh. This developed model is validated for numerical tank with flat bed and good results were obtained. This paper presents the extension of the model using the slope bed in IMPG_R zone and the model is validated for solitary waves over the slope. Furthermore, the vegetation is incorporated after the slope and various cases of solitary waves are simulated to see the wave attenuation.
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The Fifteenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium
October 13–16, 2024
Chennai, India
Solitary Wave Interaction with Vegetation on Sloping Bed Using Three-Dimensional Hybrid Model
Paper presented at the The Fifteenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Chennai, India, October 2024.
Paper Number:
October 13 2024
Divya, R., and V. Sriram. "Solitary Wave Interaction with Vegetation on Sloping Bed Using Three-Dimensional Hybrid Model." Paper presented at the The Fifteenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Chennai, India, October 2024.
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