This study introduces an innovative analytical framework aimed at predicting coastal erosion width during extreme storm events, a critical aspect often challenging for traditional shoreline change models. These models frequently struggle to accurately simulate the temporary recession and subsequent recovery of shorelines subjected to high-wave conditions. To address this limitation, our approach pioneers the integration of suspended sediment behavior and essential physical variables, notably median grain size and wave height. By incorporating these factors in the analysis, a high-wave coastal erosion width model have been developed to better capture the dynamics of shoreline response during extreme storm events. Central to methodology of the present, is the consideration of wave heights corresponding to a 30-year return period, ensuring a robust assessment of erosion width under severe storm conditions. Through rigorous application of the present model, erosion width can be calculated, offering valuable insights into coastal vulnerability during extreme events. The incorporation of suspended sediment behavior and key physical variables enhances the accuracy of predictions, providing a more comprehensive understanding of shoreline dynamics under high-wave conditions. This study contributes significantly to the field by offering a refined prediction tool for coastal erosion width, one that accounts for the nuanced interactions between sediment behavior and wave dynamics.


A beach emerges through the gradual accumulation of sediments, like sand or gravel, within a dynamic environment shaped by the perpetual ebb and flow of incoming waves. This natural setting is subject to a continuous cycle of erosion and deposition, orchestrated by various phenomena such as typhoons, swells, and rising sea levels, all of which disturb the equilibrium of seawater. Amid the myriad factors driving beach erosion, the behavior of sediments in response to wave dissipation stands as the most immediate catalyst. Thus, to comprehend the nuanced dynamics of shorelines receding and advancing under the impact of storm waves, it becomes imperative to initially delineate the alterations in the beach profile prompted by the transverse movement of sediment.

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