Landslide is one of the most outstanding disasters in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China,and anti-slide pile is a common measure for landslide mass reinforcement. In spite of this, it doesn't mean that computing and design of anti-slide pile are closely with or to actual bearing conditions. Inaccurate design methods for anti-slide pile result in poor control effectiveness, even failed landslide control; conversely, conservative design would cause good control effectiveness but might waste a gross of funds. So it is necessary to monitor internal force of anti-slide pile to verify the accuracy of the design to assess control effectiveness of landslide. In this paper, axial force of main reinforcement inner anti-slide pile of Shunxi No.1 soil landslide was monitored, and factual moment variation of anti-slide pile over time was obtained, and compared with moment calculated by the commonest M method. The results indicated that the factual moment was much less than calculated measurement though the M method. So it was appropriate to use M method to compute internal force of piles. Currently, it shows the landslide after treatment is under a stability state because of less stress acting on the pile, and the main threat to the road and Yangtze River is vanished, and expected control aim is achieved. It has same reference value for the future research on landslide control in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China.


Landslide is one of the most outstanding disasters in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China. Once landslide fails, it would cause communications to break off, and tremendous economic and living safety of local people to loss. For example, the Xintan town,which was located at the upstream dam site of the enormous Three Gorge Project of the Yangtze River, disappeared completely when the large-scale land sliding occurred on July 12 in 1985, and landslide mass burst into Yangtze River, at last the waterway- jam has being baffled[1]. Anti-slide pile, as an effective measure for landslide mass reinforcement, has been widely used to stabilize landslide or slope in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area currently. Compared with other anti-sliding engineering such as anchor lattice frame structures and retaining wall and so on, pile has a lot of advantages such as more flexible location, stronger resistance to shear, easier construction, and more convenient to feedback geological condition so as to realize effective informational dynamic design, etc. In spite of this, it doesn't mean that computing and design of anti-slide pile is closely with or to actual bearing conditions. Inaccurate design methods for anti-slide pile result in poor control effectiveness, even failed landslide control; conservative design would cause good control effectiveness but may waste a gross of funds [2]. So the study on the effectiveness of landslide control after the anti-slide construction is of great significance to society and economy. Now most studies mainly focus on bearing modes [3], calculation methods [4–5] and the reinforcement mechanism of slope [6].

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