There is an increasing demand for underground openings for energy storage projects (i.e. CAES and SMES Projects). And the openings for these projects are subjected to high internal pressures ranging between 4 to 8 MPa. Since such high internal pressures will cause high tensile stresses in rock masses which are generally weak against tensile stresses, the reinforcement of the opening by rockbolts is one of the option to resist to such high tensile stresses. In this article, closed-form solutions are presented to evaluate the stress state around the internally pressurized circular cavities reinforced by rock bolts in a non-radial pattern. Solutions are used for studying the effect of rockbolting and implications of the parametric studies are discussed. Furthermore, a series of finite element studies was carried to check the validity of the solutions.
IIya une exigence accroissement pour les ouvrages subterrain pour les projets des storages des energies (CAES et SMES), et les ouvrages pour les projets ont ete expose haut pressions variant de 4 à 8 MPa. Comme ces haut pressions resultont en haut contraintes de tensions en roches, qui sont faible contre les contraintes des tensions, Ie renfort des ouvrages par les boullonnes est un option pour resister à ces contraintes des tensions. En cet etude, solutions teoriques ont ete presente pour evaluer des contraintes autour les ouvrages circulaire reforce par les boullons non-radieux. Solutions teoriques ont ete utilise pour etudier I'effet des boullons et les implications des etudes parametriques ont ete discute. En plus, les analyses par le method d'element finite ont ete performe pour controller la validite des solutions theoriques.
Es gibt eine zunehmende Nachfrage nach unterirdischen Öffnungen fuer Energielagerungs -projekte (z.b. CAES und SMES), und es ist in den letzten Jahren ein aktives Forschungsfeld. In diesem Artikel werden analytische und numerische Lösungen fuer die Einschatzung des Druckzustandes von innerlich unter Druck stehenden runden Hohlraumen, die durch Felsbolzen in einem, von dem konventionellen radialen Schema abweichenden, Muster verstarkt sind, prasentiert. Die lösungen werden benutzt, urn den Effekt von Felsbolzierung zu erforschen, und die Bedeutung der Rahmenstudie werden diskutiert.
There is an increasing demand for underground openings for energy storage projects (i.e. CAES and SMES Projects) and it is an active field of research In recent years. The shape of cavities is circular in cross-section with a diameter of 5–6 m. Cavities are subjected to high internal pressures varying between 4 to 8 MPa. Since such high internal pressures will cause high tensile stresses in rock masses, which are generally weak against tensile stresses, the reinforcement of the opening by rock bolts is one of the option to resist to such high tensile stresses. In this article, analytical solutions are presented to evaluates the stress state around the internally pressurized circular cavities reinforced by rockbolts having a non-radial pattern, which is different from the conventional rockbolting pattern. Solutions are used for studying the effect of rock bolting and implications of the parametric studies are discussed. Furthermore, a series of finite element studies was carried to check the validity of the solutions.
As proposed by Aydan (1989), the contribution of rockbolts to the elastic modulus of isotropic and homogeneous medium, under the assumption that bolt and medium are subjected a uniform strain field.