To improve the preliminary slope design the engineer needs to know how the slope is reacting to rock or soil excavation activities. To achieve this goal it was necessary to develop the NORPIT Real Time Slope Monitoring System to facilitate safety and optimize design. NORPIT is capable of systematically tracking the movement of strategically placed targets (prisms) using EDM equipped robotic theodolites. There are two primary elements in a basic NORPIT system: a Remote station and a Base station. The Remote station consists of a computer that controls the robotic theodolite which shoots a user defined series of targets. The data is then transmitted (via radio modem) to the Base station computer for data manipulation and real time graphics display.


Pour ameliorer la conception preliminaire d'une pente, les ingenieurs doivent connaître comment la pente reagit aux activites d'excavation du sol ou du roc. Pour atteindre ce but, nous avons developpe le système NORPIT (Real Time Slope Monitoring System) pour faciliter et optimiser la conception des pentes. NORPIT a la capacite de suivre systematiquement les mouvements de cibles (prismes) placees à des endroits strategiques en utilisant des theodolites robotises equipes de système EDM. II y a deux elements principaux dans un système NORPIT de base: Une station eloignee qui est composee d'un ordinateur qui contrôle un theodolite robotise qui vise une serie de cibles choisie par l'utilisateur; et une station en laboratoire qui reçoit les donnees (par modem radio) afin de les manipuler et/ou de produire des graphiques en temps reel.


Um einen besseren Entwurf der Böschung im Tagebau zu erzielen muβ der Ingenieur wissen wie sich die diejenige angesichts des Abbaues und der Bergbau Tatigkeiten verhalt. Zu diesem Zweck wurde das "NORPIT Real Time Slope Monitoring System" entwickelt welches kleinste Bewegungen in der Wand feststellen und melden kann. NORPIT kann systematisch die Positionen von strategisch plazierten Prismen mittels eines EDM ausgeruesteten Robot- Theodoliten verfolgen. Dieser ist ein Teil der Feldstation in welcher ein Computer den Theodoliten dirigiert um automatisch eine vom Bediener definierte Serie von "Zielen" anzupeilen. Die Daten Werden dann mittels Radio Modem zu einer Zentrale gesendet wo ein anderer Computer die Resultate nach entsprechender Daten Manipulation graphisch in "Sofortzeit" darstellt.


Norpit is a real time system capable of continuously monitoring the movement of rock and soil slopes, civil structures and land masses. It was originally developed as a need arose for better monitoring of pit wall slopes under which heavy equipment and men were working at the Noranda Minerals, Bell Mine in northern Canada. During the last three years engineers and programmers have developed hardware and software which fully utilizes the capabilities of the Wild Leica robotic theodolite, the TM3000D, to perform non contact measurements of remote target. Operating as a "real time" system, it was possible to determine immediately when ground movement occurred. Thus, lives and thousands of dollars can be saved in situations where slope failure could endanger people and equipment.


The Norpit Real Time Slope Monitoring System is capable of systematically tracking the movement of strategically placed targets (prisms) using EDM equipped robotic theodolites. Monitoring data is transmitted from remote theodolite stations to a base computer where the data is processed and graphically displayed. The real time display tracks the historic trends of targets and issues alarm and warning messages based on individual and group target velocities. Periodic summary reports are automatically printed. There are two primary elements in a basic Norpit set up: a Remote Station and a Base Station.

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