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Proceedings Papers
ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics
May 18–19, 2016
Suzhou, China
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Modelling of deep mining induced seismicity for hazard estimation
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Induced seismicity in the development of EGS - benefits and drawbacks
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Dynamic behavior of NPR bolt and its application to rock burst control
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Dynamics of impact cratering
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Analysis of nonlinear spherical wave propagation for concretes
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Determination of dynamic property of rock joints based on SHPB tests
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Fracture specific stiffness as the critical link among fracture properties
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
The effect of true-triaxial stress path on induced fracturing in anisotropic gneiss
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
High strain rate response of Himalayan quartzitic gneiss by using split Hopkinson pressure bar device
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Overview of geological materials research at the Cavendish Laboratory
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Study of rock inhomogeneity with ultrasonic tomography using concrete block and limestone block at laboratory scale
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
A laboratory crushing apparatus for understanding dynamic rock fragmentation
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Laboratory observation on the seismic response of the filled joint under high amplitude stress waves
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
A trial of 3D printing on rock dynamics
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Experimental study on dynamic response of rock masses with different joint matching coefficients
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Research on mechanical properties of gneissic granite under real-time temperature
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Research on the static and dynamic properties of the granite in Xinjiang Province Tianhu Area for the geological disposal of the high level radioactive waste
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Determination of the dynamic shear strength of granite under confined pressure
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Strain localization in rocks under uniaxial compression and direct tension
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Behaviour of underground structures in soft rocks under different strain rate and litho-static pressure
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Petrophysical and engineering behavior of oil shale from Assam, India
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Experimental study on stress wave propagation across joints with different joint matching coefficients
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Effect of loading rate on mechanical properties of anisotropic sandstone under compressive loading
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Mechanical behavior of artificial rock contained single plane of weakness under impact loads
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
An experimental study of dynamic tensile failure of rocks subjected to hydrostatic confinement
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Dynamically induced gouge degradation and implications for fault instability
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Measurement of dynamic surface sliding of cement joint by Hopkinson bundle bars
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Dependence of dynamic tensile strength and fracture toughness of Longyou sandstone on heat-treatment temperature and loading rate
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Experimental research on rockburst tendency and acoustic emission characteristics of coal under different gas pressures
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Shear strength and Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL) of rock materials under shock loading
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Anti-seismic research for cracked lining structure
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Full field strain statistics and failure mechanism of granite under dynamic and quasi-static compression
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Application of 3D printing and micro-CT scan to rock dynamics
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
The effect of strain rate on compressive strength of water saturated sandstone
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Numerical simulation for cylindrical wave transmission across jointed rock masses
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Adaptive coupling of smooth particle hydrodynamics and finite-element method for rock blasting simulations
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
A parameter-variable creep damage model considering the effects of loading frequency for rock salt and its engineering application in deep storage cavern
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Indentation fragmentation mechanism of anisotropy shale under dynamic and static loads
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Relationships between interface stress element method and applied element method
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Numerical investigation on the effect of fracture filling material on P-wave propagation
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
3D seismic imaging for monitoring rock-mass degradation and excavation damage
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Numerical modeling investigation on blasting of rock under different earth stresses
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Classification of mechanisms of induced earthquakes: From a view of rock mechanics
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
From earthquake to aseismic creep: What governs fault slip modes?
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Calculation of the irreversible deformation region under a large-scale underground explosion based on block hierarchical structure
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Validation study of the Particle-based Numerical Manifold Method (PNMM) on stress wave propagation
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Crack initiation and propagation simulation for polycrystalline-based brittle rock utilizing three dimensional distinct element method
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Study of the failure process in large-sized coal-rock mass under static and dynamic loading by three-dimensional numerical simulation
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
A FEM-based numerical study of responses of underground openings subject to plane, cylindrical, compressive and tensile waves
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Numerical simulation of sand production in oil well considering particle size effect
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Study on determining REV of fractured rock masses considering hydro-mechanical effect
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Dynamic stability analysis of rock slope based on permanent displacement ratio theory
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Numerical modeling of fracture behaviour of sandy mudstone under impact loading
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
The numerical simulation study on explosive shock response of ship large cabin
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
The dynamic simulation of ground motion of Lushan earthquake by finite element method
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Numerical simulation of blasting vibration on high cutting slope
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Seismic dynamic reliability analysis of bedding rock slopes based on Newmark-β method
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Microseismic characteristics analysis of fault activation induced by excavation unloading at the left bank underground powerhouse of the Baihetan hydropower station, China
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
The cavity detection method of highway subgrade and the grouting effects contrast
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
The design and implementation of automatic warning system of tunnel monitoring
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Dynamic loads and design of tunnel supports using rock mass quality
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
A numerical model to determine the best time to start infill drilling in a mature reservoir
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Seismic monitoring of nuclear power plants in Russia
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Integrating structural and numerical solutions for road cut slope stability analysis - A case study, India
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
In-situ monitored seismic response of a rock tunnel
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Numerical simulation of blasting excavation in reconstruction and expansion tunnel
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Rockburst prevention schemes of coal mines in China
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Application of microseismic monitoring technology in deep mining
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
New brittleness indices to describe rock failure under compressive load
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
The effect of pre-stress on wave velocity and waveform
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Low transient strength of hard rocks at spontaneous failure
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Numerical simulation and analysis of rock heap formation under seismic motion
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Nondestructive detection and intelligent diagnosis technology of anchorage system
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Multi-scale characteristics of rockburst under the multi-level stress control
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Time history analysis method for dynamic fuzzy reliability of bedding rock slope
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Pseudo-dynamic analysis of stability of layered rock slope subjected to seismic loads
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
Microseismic energy evolution of high rock slop during excavation and after reinforcement
Paper presented at the ISRM 2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics, Suzhou, China, May 2016.
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