This study aims to explore the effects of impact loads on the failure types and the peak dynamic strength of artificial rocks contained a single plane of weakness with orientation angles of 45°, 60°, 75° and 90°. A series of uniaxial compression tests by Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) is conducted under the loading rate ranges of 102–103 GPa/s, and the specimens after the SHPB tests are collected and analyzed by the sieve analysis to classify the failure modes.

1.1 Theory of single plane of weakness

The mechanical response of nature rock such as slate, shale or foliated metamorphic rock are varied with the orientation of the plane of weakness or the foliation-planar fabric. Although the directionally dependent behavior is complex, it can be simply revealed by the Jaeger's single plane of weakness theory (Jaeger 1960). Namely, the peak strength and failure mode of intact rock containing a single plane of weakness are different with the orientation of the plane, and the failure modes include slip on the plane and shear fracture of the intact rock material. However, how the impact load effects the mechanical response of intact rock containing a single plane of weakness is still unknown, and it is investigated by Split Hopkinson-Pressure Bar (SHPB) in this study.

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