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Keywords: evolution law
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM SINOROCK 2013, June 18–20, 2013
Paper Number: ISRM-SINOROCK-2013-134
... faces, located very close to one another,were arranged, hence causing frequent blasting operations in a small field. Upstream Oil & Gas evolution law strain energy reservoir geomechanics strength correlation disturbance single tunnel face frequency dynamic stress tunnel face...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM SINOROCK 2013, June 18–20, 2013
Paper Number: ISRM-SINOROCK-2013-135
...). The frequencies, strength and damage to engineering of immediate rockbursts are often much bigger than time delayed rockbursts. Therefore, it is important to make certain the evolution law and mechanism of immediate rockbursts for reducing the risk of rockburst in deep tunnel. The damage evolution process...

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