A commercial supported catalyst was regenerated and reused for three combustion-tube tests to study the upgrading potential of Athabasca bitumen supplied by Japan Canada Oil Sand Ltd. (JACOS). These tests were part of a larger program of combustion-tube tests performed by the In-Situ Combustion Research Group (ISCRG) under the auspices of the Alberta Ingenuity Center for In-Situ Energy (AICISE). The tests were premixed and carried out at the same pressure of 3.45 mPa (500 psi), preheat temperature (95°C), and ignition temperature (350°C). Test 1 used a fresh supported catalyst. Test 2 used a regenerated catalyst retrieved from Test 1, and Test 3 used regenerated catalysts (second time regeneration of catalysts from Test 1) retrieved from Test 2. Significant hydrodenitrogenation (HDN), 52% for the fresh catalyst Test 1, 38.1% for regenerated catalyst Test 2 and 23.8% for regenerated catalyst Test 3, was obtained. The levels of hydrodesulfurisation (HDS) obtained were 18.1, 18.4, and 15.2% for Tests 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The significant HDN and HDS removal coupled with decreased viscosity, increased °API value, and light hydrocarbons indicate upgrading of the original Athabasca bitumen for all three tests. The results showed that although the regenerated catalyst Tests 2 and 3 lost HDN activity compared to the fresh catalyst, the regenerated catalysts were still active for repeated use for in-situ upgrading.