Mechanization and automation have been accelerated in the Japanese shipbuilding industry, corresponding to the present situation of a decreasing number of skilled workers and the difficulty in recruiting new workers. In order to effectively increase productivity through automation, the current fabrication system has to be reviewed so that it will be suitable to mechanized/automated production. As a result of the survey it was confirmed that geometric inaccuracy of each member at the fabrication and assembly stage precludes introduction of the system and increases the number and variety of adjustments necessary. Accordingly, this paper proposes a new concept to keep accuracy at a high level: numerical simulation of deformation due to cutting, welding, etc., and elimination of the scattering of human skills by mechanization. It also shows some examples of deformation simulation of the plate and block due to gas cutting and welding.
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February 1994
This article was originally published in
Journal of Ship Production
Journal Paper|
February 01 1994
Study of Accuracy Control of Hull Structure
Shin-ichi Matsuzaki
Shin-ichi Matsuzaki
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (IHI)
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J Ship Prod 10 (01): 51–58.
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Published Online:
February 01 1994
Okumoto, Yasuhisa, and Shin-ichi Matsuzaki. "Study of Accuracy Control of Hull Structure." J Ship Prod 10 (1994): 51–58. doi:
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