Photogrammetry is the art, science, and technology used in the interpretation of coordinate data about physical objects by the measurement and analysis of photographic images. This paper is concerned with the use of photogrammetry to measure the as-built circularity (out-of-roundness) of the Trident Class submarine pressure hull cylinders Various other mechanical methods have been used in the past for measuring hull circularities, but the unique features and capabilities of photogrammetry have proved themselves well in meeting demanding shipyard needs. The large, awkward shape of submarine pressure hull cylinders, m combination with the flexibility and ease of the use of the photogrammetric technique, makes photogrammetry a productive tool in support of submarine construction.
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May 01 1986
A New Shipbuilding Measurement Tool—Photogrammetry for Measuring Circularity of Submarine Hulls
L. R. Jacobsen;
L. R. Jacobsen
General Dynamics Corporation
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P. N. Biondo
P. N. Biondo
General Dynamics Corporation
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J Ship Prod 2 (02): 80–89.
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May 01 1986
Jacobsen, L. R., and P. N. Biondo. "A New Shipbuilding Measurement Tool—Photogrammetry for Measuring Circularity of Submarine Hulls." J Ship Prod 2 (1986): 80–89. doi:
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