A successful well test was run in Asia in adverse conditions. Very high temperature were expected and a specific design (up to 380 Deg F) was devised. The complexity of the execution of the test in the COVID-19 logistical challenges led to a number of unusual and innovative solutions. Due to a very unique well completion configuration with a uncommon casing size, a specially designed packer had to be designed, manufactured and delivered in record time. Two zones were successfully tested with a DST, with stimulation and fluids containing H2S and CO2. The real time wireless transmission of the downhole data and controls of DST tools permitted to diagnose operational challenges caused by a completion fluid instability at high temperature. The high level of redundancy of the wireless telemetry enabled the mitigation of mechanical and downhole power mishaps in elements of the test string. Finally, high quality data were acquired delivering a reliable interpretation of the dynamic reservoir characteristics. The timely mobilization and successful execution of such a complex test demonstrated the agility of the decision making and the speedy delivery of a complex test that was not initially planned in a challenging unique environment of fluid, temperature and mechanical constraints.
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Agile Deployment and Successful Operations of Record-Breaking Exploration Drillstem Tests Offshore Asia
Brambilla Ruggero Veraldo Ruben;
Brambilla Ruggero Veraldo Ruben
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Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, October 2023.
Paper Number:
October 24 2023
Stefano, Di Vincenzo, Vittoria, Fornari Maria, Antonio, Sacchini, Veraldo Ruben, Brambilla Ruggero, Salvatore, Luppina, Theuveny, Bertrand, Seradorian, Agob, Hollaender, Florian, Zia, Arslan, and Ilaria Di Santo. "Agile Deployment and Successful Operations of Record-Breaking Exploration Drillstem Tests Offshore Asia." Paper presented at the OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, October 2023.
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