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Keywords: structural geology
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, November 5–7, 2018
Paper Number: OTC-29101-MS
... it directly relates to the oil and gas industry will be reviewed. structural geology maritime boundary island mapping coastal state application legal limit littoral arctic coastal state coastal frontage reservoir characterization natural language artificial intelligence coastline baseline...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, November 5–7, 2018
Paper Number: OTC-29150-MS
... solution and discusses advantages to USVs as a survey platform in Arctic environments. nearshore class unmanned surface vehicle new zealand last-mile solution requirement aerospace & defense coastal community structural geology nearshore class usv offshore technology conference arctic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Arctic Technology Conference, October 24–26, 2016
Paper Number: OTC-27379-MS
.... structural geology continental margin stratigraphic record newfoundland vertical movement labrador unconformity history burial japsen labrador shelf balkwill labrador-newfoundland margin exhumation history ainsworth uplift exhumation upstream oil & gas basement basin sediment...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Arctic Technology Conference, October 24–26, 2016
Paper Number: OTC-27449-MS
... allowed permitting efforts to proceed by confirming conventional and proven island construction materials and methods can be used with some additional engineering considerations. reservoir characterization man-made island strength beaufort sea structural geology placement gravel fill...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Arctic Technology Conference, October 24–26, 2016
Paper Number: OTC-27397-MS
... stratigraphic sequence structural geology barent sea basin accumulation depression eastern barent sea basin hydrocarbon accumulation upstream oil & gas Jingzhijun . New progress in the study of typical superimposed basins and hydrocarbon accumulation in China: An example of Tarim Basin...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, March 23–25, 2015
Paper Number: OTC-25579-MS
... where seismic attenuation attribute confirms possibility of gas accumulation. Successful implementation of shared-earth model using close interpretation of seismic and well data led to identifying a stratigraphic prospect with an acceptable probability of success. structural geology kozhevnikov...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, December 3–5, 2012
Paper Number: OTC-23794-MS
... areas. intersection depression sandstone petroleum complex western arctic basin thickness barent sea reservoir characterization gas field discovery accumulation hydrocarbon upstream oil & gas structural geology trough basin russian western arctic basin siberia timan-pechora...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, December 3–5, 2012
Paper Number: OTC-23729-MS
... main field model arctic environment service company drilling data acquisition structural geology accuracy correction magnetic field Geomagnetic Referencing in the Arctic Environment Benny Poedjono and Nathan Beck, SPE, Schlumberger; and Andrew Buchanan, Jason Brink and Joseph Longo, SPE, Eni...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, December 3–5, 2012
Paper Number: OTC-23796-MS
... shale oil alaska houseknecht source rock upstream oil & gas structural geology thermal maturity reservoir characterization oil shale complex reservoir arctic national wildlife refuge shale-ga assessment unit national petroleum reserve shale gas offshore technology conference shublik...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, December 3–5, 2012
Paper Number: OTC-23726-MS
.... structural geology upstream oil & gas unconventional resource economics reservoir characterization workflow russian arctic energy economics offshore technology conference petroleum resource assessment shale oil alaska north slope exploration risk complex reservoir hydrocarbon assessment...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, February 7–9, 2011
Paper Number: OTC-22063-MS
... grantz mc data subsidence sediment drachev fold belt depocenter reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas structural geology chukchi sea source rock russian arctic shelf tectonic history orogeny basin arctic shelf sedimentary basin petroleum geology sequence history...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Arctic Technology Conference, February 7–9, 2011
Paper Number: OTC-22065-MS
... kiryukhina maturation hydrocarbon oil source rock organic matter structural geology migration reservoir characterization barent sea petroleum system shale strata jurassic source rock toc upstream oil & gas source rock triassic source rock oil window palaeozoic petroleum...

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