The W field located north of the coast of East Malaysia, Malaysia in approximately 100 meters of water. Five dry gas wells, W1 through W5 were drilled and cased between Q1 and Q4 2016. The well depths fell between 3700 meters and 3825 meters measured depth (MDDF), 2with bottom hole temperatures as high as 180 degrees centigrade and formation pressures of 6500 psi. In addition, the wells were expected to be sour with 140ppm H2S and 20% CO2.
Originally the wells were planned to be completed with slotted liners, however this was proving to be problematic as it limited well control options and a safer solution was needed. An alternative un-cemented liner was run and it required to be perforated. TCP (Tubing Conveyed Perforation) and CTCP (Coiled Tubing Conveyed Perforation) were the logical choices, however after some considerable discussion it was agreed that wireline conveyed guns employing friction reducing rollers and tractors had the potential to save considerable rig time while satisfying all safety concerns. Detailed planning and simulation for this complex operation was required, the operator and service provider formed a strong technical alliance to achieve the objectives.
All five (5) wells were successfully perforated with a total of 840 meters of perforations achieved in 40 runs, 11 of them tractor conveyed, the longest gun string was 29 meters long and the total operating time was 783 hours. The campaign was completed with and operational efficiency of 94% and all objectives were meet. This paper describes the operational objectives and how careful planning managed to overcome the challenges encountered in these hostile environment. The case study underlines the efficiency of wireline conveyance in environments previously dominated by Coiled tubing and Tubing conveyance and highlights a new and powerful tool now available to operators.