This paper highlights an innovative approach where Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) and sub-bottom profiler (SBP) survey results in addition to conventional seismic data were utilized to demarcate locations for shallow coring. Multibeam and Shallow geochemical studies were planned to further de-risk hydrocarbon potential in frontier exploration areas. Following detailed 2D seismic interpretation, MBES survey area and 100 shallow cores were planned. The interpreted MBES data was used to pin point the final shallow core points. Due to the unfavorable weather window, the survey could not be fully completed. Hence, the remaining area was evaluated by an improvised workflow using preliminary processed 3D seismic data (seabed horizon slice) to fulfil the gap. This allows all proposed coring points to be evaluated. Numerous features like seabed scarps, wave form seabed, seabed mounds, and seabed depressions were identified on top of the observations of a number of active gas seepages and pockmarks. A notably hard seabed was encountered during the seabed sampling operations which resulted in low core recovery. The team effort in improvising a different workflow to identify various sea bed features and also demarcating shallow core location through integrating various geophysical data was very much useful.

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