The seafloor and near-seafloor in northwest (NW) Borneo contains numerous challenges for the oil and gas industry. In recent geologic history (Miocene and Pliocene), NW Borneo has been very active. The collision of the Borneo plate with continental fragments in the South China Sea resulted in a deepwater fold and thrust belt. The fold and thrust belt is combined with both rapid sedimentation and an active hydrocarbon system resulting in significant geohazards. As part of the analysis, high-resolution seabed surveys, 3D seismic data, sediment cores, and well data were used to characterize these geohazards. Steep seafloor slopes, fault scarps, and fluid escape structures related to active, natural hydrocarbon escape features define the seafloor geomorphology, whilst gas, gas hydrates, overpressure, faulting, and over-consolidated sediment are common in near-seafloor strata in this region. These deepwater geohazards impact Shell's drilling and field development activities. Rigorous assessment of geohazards is critical for safe and efficient hydrocarbon exploration and development. The management of geohazards has been greatly improved by the Geohazards Catalogue, a web-based tool using My Maps (Shell's web mapping platform), and a new defined workflow to capture the full life cycle of geohazards data review and reporting. The catalogue has enabled geohazards specialists to focus on assessment, rather than searching for data. It is a valuable tool that increases effectiveness and efficiency of the geohazards assessment workflow in the organization.

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