Generally, the inspection, testing and maintenance of fire and gas detectors uses the statement specified in NFPA (American Code) as a starting point. That codes and standard may cite to various sets of relevant standard with the ultimate, open clause to be rely on "Local Law and Regulation" or "Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
Thailand has no exception – The relevant Thai Law and Regulation based mainly on that NFPA which prescribed the inspection, testing and maintenance mostlty on "Time-Based Principle" (e.g. this initiating device type shall be visual inspected every 6 months) and with exceptional clause to provide more flexibility, if adjustment needed with approval from Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) (e.g. unless otherwise permitted by, or …. By Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), table 14.3.1 shall be applied).
Those mentioned requirement looks easy to understand, to do and to manage in the light of law-like statement, but the key question popped up that, doing so is only the one way out to deal with during this oil price downturn?
In our perspective, it's not. Then, we have to find other way out to cope with, especially when number of fire and gas detectors keep on increasing according to the increment in number of remote wellhead platforms and facilities.