An oil platform located offshore Sarawak, Malaysia consist of 16 platforms and has been in operation since 1972. To sustain its production, PETRONAS have embarked on a plan further develop the field through the introduction of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) by adopting Immiscible Water-Alternating Gas (iWAG) injection technology.
This paper reviews the approach adopted in preparing the existing facilities for EOR with consideration on process debottlenecking, asset integrity and life extension. Discussion also includes offshore execution strategies that was applied by the project to manage key risks as well the challenges faced since commencement of the project. Scope identification, prioritisation, optimisation and detailing were carried out during the Front End Loading phases. Four (4) case studies specific to modifications to meet new process envelope requirement is presented in this paper to demonstrate the approach adopted in meeting both EOR requirements and extending the life of the facility. This includes replacement of wellhead flowlines, crude oil transfer pump upgrade, selection of bulk desander and separator debottlenecking.