Analysis of sand sample to get sand concentration in oil wells requires a proper set-up with significant footprint in a sand producing oil platform. Also, the conventional procedure used by most operators result in high time consumption leading to delay in results if required immediately. Logistics of having a lab at the platform is also a challenge. Further, evaluation of particle size distribution becomes a further challenge in a limited space. The paper describes development of a compact sand sample analyzer with a reduced foot print and quick analysis for better decision making. The current methods of sand count analysis were analyzed in detail and various options were look into to save the foot print and time on the analysis of sample so that sampling compliance can be met. The two main steps in standard sand production concentration measurement method i.e. heating of sample to dry and remove moisture and weighing the sample accurately required two different sets of equipment and it is time consuming. A moisture analyzer equipment is replaced by these two equipment making the entire system very compact and reducing the duration of results from hours to minutes. Also, the sieve size of sample collection was reduced to accommodate a smaller footprint PSD Analyzer as well. The proposed set-up was tested in lab and it is found that a 3 hours procedure of evaluating sand count was reduce to 20 minutes i.e. increasing the efficiency almost ten times. When comparing the logistics challenge, the sand count result turn around time was reduced from almost 7 days to few hours. Similarly, the compact PSD set -up resulted in cost saving of conducting in house PSD and getting such a data in a matter of hours. All this lead to huge cost saving and most importantly efficiency in complying with sampling standards. The standard practice where minimum of 3 personnel with more than 10 sq. ft. of equipment footprint and more than a day require to get the result is reduced to a 20 kg suitcase with only one personnel and less than 30 minutes for the total analysis. The novel idea of using a moisture analyzer in place of the two equipment had a uniqueness because in this case moisture analyzer was indirectly used for some other purpose. Also, the modification in sieve could not have made this set-up compact. The sampler has proved a breakthrough for sampling analysis for all major sand producing fields within operator and this unique idea will benefit industry as a whole.