
The objective of this pilot trial was to provide an economic solution to develop tight and hard to recover formations within KOC fields, which represent a major challenge taking into considerations, the low recovery factor of these formations (1-3%), associated high cost of available conventional stimulation technologies, low revenue, and inability to sustain production rates.

Methods, Procedures, Process

The available technologies to stimulate unconventional formations include heat, acid and alkaline treatments to treat heavy oil formations in addition to propped hydraulic or acid fracturing for tight clastic or carbonate formations. Combined Thermo-Chemical stimulation approach is another stimulation solution, which has shown good results in Heavy Oil formations. However, it has very limited success rate in tight formations, because of the inability of hot active chemicals to invade and stimulate the formation.

In order to establish an integrated stimulation solution for tight and heavy oil formations, the idea of utilizing the active single atom Hydrogen (H) power to enhance near well bore permeability was evolved. This technology is based on down-hole Hydrogen generation from in-situ exothermic multi-stage chemical reaction between two unique Hydro-Reacting Agents (HRA). This reaction generates a huge amount of thermal energy, active Hydrogen and other hot active gases & acid vapors. The selection of HRA compounds, its amount and concentration is customized individually for each field to achieve maximum effect.

Continuous development of HRA manufacturing process, led to the invention of new generation of HRA compounds, which are chemically stable, but thermally destructible at the initial low temperature exothermic reaction stage. The controlled hydrolysis process of this new HRA shall allow Hydrogen to be released at initial reaction stage and creates micro-cracks within the reservoir in order to allow other generated hot gases and acid vapors to stimulate the formation.

This pilot trial has gone through different stages including challenge identification, candidate selection process, business cases build-up, fluid compatibility test, rig and rig-less execution procedures optimization and comprehensive evaluation process.

Results, Observations, Conclusions

Well's performance were evaluated before and after this unique chemical stimulation treatment for a duration of six (6) months. Upon comprehensive analysis of the measured and recorded production test data before and after trial execution, it was concluded that, this innovative technology was able to improve well's productivity and achieve prolonged production sustainability (> 6 months) compared to currently adopted conventional stimulation techniques.

This paper highlights the adopted approach of using active hydrogen to stimulate hard to recover formations within KOC fields from candidate well's selection to pilot execution and evaluation processes and also shed light on the captured lessons learned for continuous improvement & optimization.

Novel/Additive Information

The novelty of this technology is the ability to provide an alternative cost-effective long-lasting stimulation treatment (more than 6 months) to achieve production improvement & sustainability in low recovery formations using the power of in-situ generated active Hydrogen.

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