Carbon and GHG emission reduction targets are becoming ubiquitous in the oil and gas industry, with most producing companies having defined and published ambitious objectives for the next decades.

In reality, there is still limited feedback and knowledge of practical and sustainable carbon reduction solutions, outside of a small number of players.

This paper aims to present an efficient, semi-qualitative methodology to define decarbonization road maps, help Energy Producers to fill this knowledge gap and enables organization to take a more holistic and strategic approach to meet their environmental commitment.

The methodology developed leverages on proven Concept Identification and Selection tools and methodology, decades of experience in energy efficiency improvement, CO2 capture and a deep understanding of the oil and gas technologies and practices. It has been enhanced with Carbon footprint assessment tools, and an innovative way to visualize the economic and environmental impacts of Carbon reduction opportunities, to support investment decision and road map definition.

This methodology also allows to test different scenarios against various sets of legislative, operational, and economic constraints aligned with the possible future strategies of the organization. It helps decision-makers to explore the potential impacts of different CO2 reduction strategies, and identify which ones are most likely to succeed in achieving their goals.

To illustrate the efficiency and outcome produced with the described methodology, case studies will be presented.

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