Thin challenging reservoirs have often been overlooked due to their uneconomical nature. Humongous amount of produce-able zones are thus left behind in most parts of the world. Field BC has been producing for 3 decades from more accessible reservoirs to good measure. To extend the life of the field, more wells were planned to penetrate into untapped sand reservoirs.

Of the 5 wells planned, 2 wells were designed to land in thin sand reservoirs (~20 ft thickness) with laminated shale-sand layers in between. Horizontal sections of (3500 ft) were planned to maximize exposure in pay zone. This paper aspires to share actual challenges, mitigations and results of drilling the horizontal wells. Conventional methods of geosteering drilling, relying on deep resistivity signal as formation boundary indicator was deemed risky in this situation due to the reported low resistivity contrast between hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon.

This paper explores the challenges and resolves them via combination of tailor made BHA configuration, drilling mud design and special drilling practices. Results from the engineering and execution of drilling this horizontal section should be emulated elsewhere around the world should similar challenging reservoir be encountered.

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